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TRAPPED (Breaking Free Book 2) Page 14

  They should have a man in their life who loves and shows them how a man should be with his family, and I am going to do just that. This family is mine now, and I am going to treat them how Dan should have treated them from the beginning.

  He had his chance, he well and fucking truly blew it.

  I do the only thing I can do as I turn from their room and shut down the apartment for the night, take one look at my sleeping girl and step in to the shower, attempting to rid myself of the fucking boner between my legs that has become almost painful.



  The smell of vanilla rouses me from my sleep.

  Cracking my eyes open, I become instantly alert when I am instead met with darkness.

  Trying to Tug my arms down to investigate, alarm bells start ringing when they do not move.

  “Shhh, just go with it baby.” Hunter’s voice breaks through my rising panic and grounds me.“Why am I blindfolded and tied up?” My voice has a slight quiver to it.

  “You’ll love it, I promise. Just relax.” His words are sealed with a kiss, a deeply erotic kiss. I lose myself in the feel of his mouth on mine, my tongue matching his stroke for stroke.

  I’m breathless when he pulls away, but my brain wakes up and remembers this really isn’t the time for all of this.“Hunter stop, Alex and Lily are next door.” The cool air on my body is a reminder that this really isn’t appropriate when they could come marching in at any second.

  “No baby,” he whispers the words, his breath across my naked body causing goose bumps to rise,“your Mum forgot to drop off their bags, so she came by early with your Dad and decided to take them to breakfast and leave you to sleep.”

  I must have really needed the sleep, I don’t think I have ever slept through the pair of them waking up.

  “What the?” I screech, as something hot drops on to one nipple then the next.

  The pain instantly soothes, and leaves a delicious warmth in its wake, it tingles and sends my arousal sky rocketing.“Ooooh.” I moan, as the heat drops its way down my body slowly. It is pain and pleasure all rolled in to one, the sensation traveling directly to my soaking wet core.

  “That nice?” So, so nice, I am rendered speechless. My breath coming out in short, sharp pants.

  “More?” He asks, as it hits and burns my left nipple again, soothing in to a delicious warmth again.

  “Mm,” Are the only sounds my mouth is capable of making. I am lost in the sensations he is invoking in my body.

  He chuckles, doing the same to the other nipple.“I’ll take that as a yes.”

  My core clenches as something warm and wet laps at the stiff peak of my nipple, the only part left untouched by that delicious heat.

  I need him, I need him now.“Please!” I grate out, frustration evident in my tone.

  “You want some of this?” His fingers tease my slit, so close to where they are needed but kept so far at the same time.

  He is working me up, getting me to the point of exploding.

  “Hunter!” The words are a growl.

  He chuckles again, his fingers slipping to my entrance, gathering my wetness and going back to my clit, making small circles on the nub.

  Oh fuck, my whole body feels alight, heat travelling rapidly through my limbs, hitting the tips of my toes and setting off a tingle in them.

  My legs tense as he continues circling.“Mm, I love watching you cum.” His words set me off. Fireworks explode behind my eyes, a feeling of euphoria spreading throughout my body. I arch my back and cry out his name as he draws my orgasm out with his fingers.

  My limbs are shaking, and breathing erratic as whatever was placed over my eyes is removed, and a soft glow fills the room. The curtains are drawn, but there are several candles placed on the bedside table beside us. My eyes drift down my body, taking in the dried wax across my breasts down my torso to my pussy.

  So that was what caused those sensations. I did not expect it to feel anything like it did, but I loved it every single second of it.

  “I want to see those beautiful green eyes when I sink myself inside of that tight cunt of yours.” My blood heats again, an orgasm starting a slow burn from the crudeness of his words, the dirty talk turning me on all over again. I love it when Hunter has a filthy mouth.

  Noticing my reaction to his words, he smirks,“Ah, my girl loves a bit of dirty talk.”

  One arm is unbound as I lay there attempting to regain some equilibrium, Hunter has well and truly scattered mine all over this bedroom. I go to sit up, but I am flipped on to my stomach, arse in the air and one arm still bound to the bed. A squeak escapes my lips, but soon turns into a moan as I feel his hardness settle between my arse cheeks. I absently realise he has my other arm bound again.

  “Oh baby, your pussy and arse are perfect, I could sit here and look at it all day.” I don’t know what the hell has happened to shy Connie, but this one decides to tempt Hunter just that little bit more, so I wiggle and bounce my bum a bit, putting on a mini show for him.

  A sharp sting radiates across my right cheek, a slap echoing throughout the room, the pain soon turns to pleasure as it sends sparks straight to my core, making it clench in anticipation of more.“Hmm.” I moan out loud.

  His hand comes down on the other side, the pain fading to create pleasure again. This is the ultimate torture, I am bound and helpless, and so turned on it’s unreal.

  “Hunter will you just f…” My words transform into a gasp as in one sharp thrust he submerges himself fully inside of me. It burns for all of a second as my body becomes accustomed to the size of his cock again.

  He fits me perfectly, fills me up in the most amazing way. I clench my inner muscles around his cock, a silent plea for him to move. He pulls back and thrusts forward so hard that I scream, and he grunts. Holy fuck, that is deep, that is so, so deep.

  Goosebumps immediately break out on every inch of my skin, tingles spreading with them.

  He picks up his speed, his rhythm punishing. Every thrust he grunts with the force of his actions, and I scream the second he hits my g spot. Everything else we have done has been amazing, perfect, but this, this has just blown that out of the water. It’s almost too much, but not enough at the same time.

  “You,” thrust,“like,” thrust,“that?” He asks between pounding in to me.

  I am incapable of speech, my arms are pulling on the bindings so much that they are starting to dig in, and my eyes are squeezed shut.

  His hand comes down hard on my arse as he hits my G spot again, electricity shooting outwards from my pussy with every movement from him, my orgasm building and building.“Answer me.” He barks.

  “YES, YES, YES.” I scream in partially in response and partially due to the feelings he is creating in my body.

  I’m alight, everything burns, my nipples tingling from rubbing against the bedding, my arse cheeks tender from his slaps, my pussy gripping on to his cock so hard it almost hurts, and every muscle in my body has tensed from my impending orgasm.

  “Not yet, just hold on to it baby, I’m almost there. We are going to go together.” His words are strained. I thrash my head against the cover, it hurts holding on to this orgasm and not letting it go. Every thrust hits my G spot dead on, forcing me to wrap my hands around the bindings on my wrists and tug on them to prevent it from happening.

  He continues to pound in to me for what feels like forever, my body virtually at the point of overriding my demands and exploding whether I want it to or not, when he shouts“Now,“ and just like that everything erupts inside of me, my inner muscles milk his cock, squeezing so hard he practically growls in response.

  My eyes roll to the back of my head, my toes curl to grip the bed covers and my back arches.

  It’s never ending, the orgasm keeps rolling through me, and all I can do is just go with it.

  I finally, quite literally fall back to earth with a bang, my body flopping to the bed as Hunter releases my wrists and pulls me into h
is arms.

  I pass out in to a deep slumber.



  “Dean.” I bellow out in to the hallway from the front door.

  Where is the fucker? He should be on alert at all times. He should have known it was me the second I came in to view, and been there to open the door. I shouldn’t have even had to unlock it.

  Finding him sat on the sofa, beer in hand and television on sends my anger sky rocketing.“Are you kidding me? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?” My palms are sweating, my knuckles turning white from the grip I have on my fists, I am so angry I am shaking. This is beyond careless, this is dangerous.

  He waves his hand dismissively at me, not even looking up from the crappy reality programme he is watching.“S’all good. I took care of Rhia, and got rid of anything incriminating.” My mind spins from his response, the ground falling out from under me briefly.

  “Wait, when you mean got rid, you actually mean warned her off, threatened her to leave and never return? Right?” Shit, he can’t have done anything rash, could he? Fuck, of course he could, he is well known for his spontaneous and erratic behaviour.

  He mulls over my words for a second, tilting his head to the side and raising his eyes to the ceiling in thought before shrugging it off.“Yeah, I suppose. I sorted it that’s all. Where is this gorgeous bird you promised me anyway?” His lack of caring fuels my anger more, and before I have the chance to think it through clearly, I lunge at him. Dean’s head snaps back on his neck from the force of the punch I land on his jaw.

  “Fuck.” He grips his jaw and throws daggers at me.“What the fuck man?”

  Shaking my hand out, I glare back.“It wasn’t up to you to decide what happens to Rhia. We may have needed her to draw Connie out of the woodwork. You were supposed to wait for the go ahead from me, I wasn’t done with the bitch yet, you dumb fuck.”

  Jumping to his feet he places both hands against my chest and shoves me backwards.“No, fuck you man. I have got you everything you wanted, helped you along with this shit and you ainteven held up your end of the bargain. So fuck you!” He shoves again,“I’ve cleared up your fucking mess, and sorted all loose ends leading your way to cover your dumb arse, so back the fuck up and show me some fucking respect. You sick fuck!” He’s one to talk.

  I repeat his gesture and shove him back.“I’ll tell you what, I will let this fucking go, just this once, but you are drawing that gay prick Hunter out while I make a grab for Connie, you get me?” He nods, sighing heavily,“And if any of this Rhiashit goes south, I am not taking the fall for your fuck up.”

  “Ah come on man. I have helped you time and time again and got fuck all so far. Make it worth my while and you know I’m in.” He says, his bum hitting his chair again as he turns his attention back towards the television.

  I know what he wants, and by the way his eyes keep flitting to me he knows I know too. Fuck, this is going to kill me, but he’s right, I have done fuck all to uphold my end and so far all he has done is give. He’s a slippery fucker, I can’t have him fucking me over, and if that means making this sacrifice for an hour, then it’s what I have to do. The end game is the only thing I can focus on, fuck the things I have to do to get there.

  “Fine, you get her for an hour, but no permanent marks, and no drawing blood. You fuck up, I’ll fuck you up.” I tell him, somewhat grudgingly.

  His head snaps in my direction, his eyebrows raised and mouth agape.“Sweet, I’m in. What do I have to do?”

  Something tells me I am going to live to regret this, but once it’s all said and done, and Connie realises this is where she is meant to be, then I am sure she will agree why it had to be done.

  I need Dean to help me, and I can’t have him double crossing me, this is the only way I Know he will stay loyal to me. I just wish I didn’t have to give up my girl, even if it is for an hour, just to gain his loyalty.

  “I dunno. They are going to be overly alert now, and ready for us. I think our best bet is laying low for a few days, making it seem like we have backed off and then go all-out attack. I can’t be taking any chances this time.”

  That way we have a few days to learn their patterns, where they go and what they do, and find a weak spot. I hate waiting, but fuck me it’s gonnabe worth it. I can’t wait to get my fists to Hunter’s face, and get my girl. She needs a fucking good lesson on how to behave around me, but once that’s done, she won’t dare leave me again.

  He shrugs again,“Yeah, I agree. Fancy a few beers? I know for a fact there are some hot, easy pussy there tonight. We can let off some steam.”

  Yeah why not, my balls ache and need some relief, so may as well put some nameless slut to good use and fuck some of my tension away.

  “Let’s go.”

  The sooner I have Connie back, the better.



  It’s been an hour since I fell asleep, and was awoken by breakfast in bed from Hunter. I have since, showered, dressed, and tidied the bedrooms, much to Hunter’s dismay. Apparently he has a cleaner for that. There is nothing wrong with my arms though, why should I sit around and let the place gather dust when I can do something about it.

  Alex and Lily are racing one another on the console in the front room, My Mum and dad left shortly after dropping them off, and Hunter is in his office making a few calls.

  I stand in the kitchen, hands on my hips and foot tapping against the floor, wondering what on earth I can do. The apartment is spotless, and everyone is busy. Thankfully the decision is made for me, in the way of Alex screaming my name in temper.

  “Yes?” I answer, throwing him a sweet smile.

  His lip twitches in response, but soon drops before his rant starts.“Lily keeps pressing the pause button and making me lose. Tell her to go to her bedroom.” His hands move to his hips and he cocks his head at me.

  I giggle, throwing my hand across my mouth and coughing in an attempt to cover it up.“Alex she doesn’t understand what she is meant to be doing, and you getting so worked up is spurring her on. Ignore her and you know she gets bored.” I tell him in an attempt to placate him.

  “Fine, but I’m not playing Mummies and Daddies with you later.” He is in full on sulk mode.

  Lily cries out, loudly.“I’ll smack you in the face.” She shouts back at Alex.

  I could smack my head against the bloody wall.

  “No, nobody is smacking anybody, and nobody is being nasty to anybody. If you can’t play nice I will take all of your new toys away until you can both behave.” I pause to look at both of them.“Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes Mummy.” They both grumble in response.

  “That wasn’t so hard now was it? Give me a kiss.” They both dive on me, kissing me all over my face with wet soggy kisses. Lily goes one step further and licks my cheek, rolling off of me and flopping to the corner of the sofa, giggling away with the most infectious laugh, setting me and Alex off too.

  “What are you lot laughing at?” We all jump from the sound of Hunter’s amused voice coming from behind us.

  “I lickdedMummy’s face.” Lily tells Hunter amongst her giggling.

  He laughs with her, coming around the sofa to sit with us.“Ah, you lickdedit did you? It is a very tasty face.”

  He turns his attention to the paused game on the screen.“So who’s winning then?”

  “Me,” they both scream in unison,“no me,” Lily shouts,“No its’ me, isn’t it Mummy?” Alex retaliates.

  “You are both winning.” I offer Alex a wink when he gives me a devastated look, and he seems to grasp immediately that I am only saying it to keep Lily happy.

  Hunter picks up a controller.“Can I give you a go?” He asks Alex,“and then can I give you a race after?” he directs at Lily.

  They both giggle, and nod, bouncing on the sofa in excitement.

  I very nearly wet myself from laughing so hard when Alex‘s competitive streak emerges,“I’m going to ki
ck your butt, you are going down town, sucker.” Even Hunter struggles to stop laughing at hearing Alex’s words.

  “Bring it little man! The loser has to cook dinner.” He looks to Alex with mock horror written on his face.

  Alex becomes serious suddenly, clearly panicking.“But I can’t cook. Mummy I can’t cook, and I will burn myself won’t I?” He appears smug as he looks to me, realising I will not even let him remotely near the oven.

  “Okay, okay. The winner chooses the takeout, the loser gets tickled.”

  Alex agrees and picks up his controller eagerly.

  Lily and I spend the next half an hour in absolute fits of giggles as Hunter and Alex try to outdo one another, but in the end, Alex well and truly kicks his butt, as he said he would.

  “Oh my god, you little cheat. Nobody has ever beaten me on that game, are you sure you are five, and not some thirty year old gamer dressed in disguise?” He crouches down before Alex, checking him over with squinted eyes whilst Alex laughs at him.“Hm, maybe he has a mask and wig on.”

  Hunter begins to tug gently on Alex’s hair and cheeks,“Well, I must say you stuck it on really well..” Lily dives from the sofa on to Hunter’s back as Alex begins thrashing and squealing between giggles.

  “Leave my brother alone.” A shriek leaves her lips as she is flipped over Hunter’s shoulder and lands in a heap beside Alex.

  Hunter pauses his assault, both hands hovering menacingly over their tummies.“Okay, so you both want to be tickled then. That can be easily arranged.” His hands come down, one hand to each of them, and begins tickling them vigorously. They both thrash and laugh, but are unable to remove themselves from his firing line.

  “Stop… stop” Lily shouts out between her giggles.

  “Okay, I’ll stop.” Hunter calls her bluff and moves his hand away slightly from both of their midsections.

  “No, no. We want more, tickle us more.Again!” Lily orders him.