TRAPPED (Breaking Free Book 2) Read online


  Book #2 of TheBreaking Free Series© C S Court

  By C S Court

  Copyright© 2014 C S Court

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to peoples either living or deceased is purely coincidental. Names, places and characters are figments of the author’s imagination, or, if real, used fictitiously. The author recognises the trademarks and copyrights of all registered products and works mentioned within this work.

  To my beautiful Mum. I cannot ever thank you enough for all that you have done and continue to do. I never tell you as much as I should, just how much I love and appreciate you, which is more than words can ever say. I am so proud to be your mini-me.

  To my children. You may have had me tearing my hair out all summer long, but you are the loves of my life and have given me that push needed to open my laptop and continue writing on my down days.

  To my crazy, out of their minds, whacky friends. I love that we are all completely nuts. I look forward to more ridiculous conversations and using some of the utter, random crap we get up to in my next book. Mwah, love you girlies.

  To my other half Sam. We have had our ups and our downs, some really bad and some really good, but we are still standing and continuing to fight for one another. I love our little family, and can only hope we all go from strength to strength.

  To all my readers. I honestly cannot thank you enough, I still get tingles when I envision someone downloading and reading my book, I go giddy with excitement. You make this all worthwhile. Thank you.

  I love you all, and hope you enjoy book 2.




































  Fuck, can I not just have some peace and quiet?

  I lean over and smash my hands around on my bedside table, attempting to blindly locate my poxy phone that is shouting incessantly at me to answer the bastard thing.

  I don’t need this shit, I’ve had hardly a wink of sleep over the last week, what with the fucktards in the finance department screwing up customer invoices and costing me a ton of money.

  The worst part was having to change all of my plans, leaving me just enough time to see my girl in the evenings and even less time for sleep.

  To say I’m pissed is an understatement, so if this is some fucking wakeup call due to those twats messing something else up, I will be beyond fuming, and heads will inevitably roll.

  What’s the point in hiring people to run my businesses if they can’t do it and I end up doing their jobs for them?

  A growl resonates from my chest as I press the button to connect the call expecting to hear a voice, but am met with silence instead.

  I’m pissed, that much is obvious. My girl has gone to get breakfast and instead of having her in my arms to wake me up, I’m listening to my phone repeat the same annoying ringtone, over and over again and I can’t even seem to connect the call on time.

  I wonder what’s keeping her anyway, I have no clue as to how long I’ve been asleep again and I start to wonder if maybe it is Connie calling me.

  I quite literally snap my eyes open, gripping my phone in my palm and unlocking the touch screen smart phone, trying to locate the recent calls list.

  My phone starts shouting again, the number not Connie’s but the front desk.

  “What?” I grate down the line, sounding every bit as pissed off and frustrated as I feel.

  A throat clears, followed by what sounds like feminine screeching in the background.

  A cat fight? Here? Really?

  “Mr Jacobson, I am terribly sorry to disturb you sir, but there is a situation down here that needs your presence immediately. Miss Curtis is in a confrontation with Mrs Jacobson, and it’s not going too well for Connie from what I am witnessing. I cannot allow Mrs Jacobson access to the penthouse, as per your instructions, but I also cannot forcefully remove her sir. Security will need to be called.”

  The anger starts swirling heavily in my chest, my blood begins to boil and I’m pretty damn sure the screen on my mobile just cracked from the crushing grip I have on it.

  How dare that money digging bitch of a soon to be ex-wife turn up here and cause a scene in front of Connie?

  She is nothing to me, NOTHING!

  The cow used me to boost her social standing and bank balance, but I’ll be fucked if she gets to chase away the one woman I have ever loved that also loves me! NOT FUCKING HAPPENING!

  I start to throw on my jeans from the night before, forgoing a shirt and shoes. I just need to get down there and sort out this clusterfuck of a situation Ashley has caused.

  I attempt to ring Connie on my piece of shit phone that has a nice crack through the centre of the screen, but the thing just keeps ringing and ringing.

  I keep trying as I rush my way through my apartment, grabbing my keys from the breakfast bar and running for the lift.

  Come on baby, answer the fucking phone!

  She is going to walk, I know, without a shadow of a doubt that she is going to walk. I kept this secret the whole time, scared to open up and explain that I am a married man, even if I was used and lied to in order for me to gain that title!

  I never loved the woman, never even liked the woman, I just thought with my dick and took what was offered on a plate to me, and like the fool I am, I knocked her up! Just as she was hoping.

  That’s if it even was my baby to begin with, the way that woman spreads her legs about, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the milkman’s.

  So there went my freedom and any chance I may have had at finding someone to love and start a family with, I was trapped in a loveless marriage, with a nasty, spiteful vindictive bitch, who just so happened to have a banging body, or so I thought at the time.

  Now the image of her naked and writhing beneath me actually makes me gag!

  My phone eventually connects, the lift moving frustrating slowly and reaching approximately half way down to the ground floor.“Connie! Connie baby, stay away from her. She is all kinds of fucked up and is an absolute psycho. I’ll explain everything, just go to Ryan and have him wait with you until I get there. I’m on my way down now! I promise, she’s not what you think she is.”

  Fuck, how could I not have seen this coming? Of course Ashley would try to take away the little bit of happiness I had finally found and crush it. That bitch is all kinds of fucked up, if she can’t have me, and can’t have the money she believes she is entitled to from our farce of a marriage, then there is no way she is going to even allow me to move on and have any kind of life for myself. That bitch is a parasite, eating away until there is nothing left. I can’t believe I got so wrapped up in a piece of hot pussy. I was so, so stupid to fall for her shit.
I should have walked, regardless of the child. I just didn’t wanna be a dead beat dad like my own waster of a father.

  Thank fuck for the pre-nup is all I can say. If it hadn’t have been for that piece of paper, waving all rights to my money, the bitch wouldn’t have had an affair in our marital bed and I wouldn’t have caught her!! At least I had some savvy when it came to my money, the only way for her to walk away with anything from me was to have children with me. So of course, when she had that heart-breaking miscarriage she wanted me to knock her up straight away. As if I’m gonna take my wife and fuck her while she’s still healing, I was trying to be there for her, to help her heal and deal with our loss without trying to replace the child we had just lost.

  And what a good job it was that I didn’t knock her up again, I wouldn’t even know if it was my baby and I would have been stuck giving that slut thirty percent of everything I own, as per the contract. The bitch was so desperate for the money though, she jumped straight into our bed with my uncle of all people.

  Fuck em, they did me a favour, got me out of a marriage I didn’t want to be in and shoved me in the direction of Connie. The one woman I have ever fallen for and wanted in my life full time, her children are the most adorable little people I have ever come across as well. I’m fucked if I’m gonna let Ash come in and take all of that away from me. We have both had a chance to start again and find love and happiness, our ex’s can just fucking swivel!

  And after everything we have both been through, our fucking pasts just can’t let us go! Why didn’t I just tell her? I can’t believe I was foolish enough to believe I could divorce Ash and Connie would be none the wiser!

  Connie’s cry of pain breaks me out of my inner musings, the heartbreak in that sound splinters my heart into pieces, my chest physically hurts at the thought of losing her.

  “How could you? After everything you heard about with Dan, seeing how fucked I was. You took my heart and shattered it. I love you Hunter, love you like I have never loved before, and for what? You’ve killed me, broken me beyond anything repairable.”

  I reach the ground floor, the doors finally opening, kicking me in to high gear. I sprint past the concierge, my heart pounding heavily in my chest as I try to locate my one bit of happiness in my shit hole of an existence.

  Tunnel vision has set in, I can hear that bitch Ashley attempting to come after me, screaming my name, but no way in hell is she getting anything from me ever again, that whore can find some other sucker to fall for her shit.

  I’m panting as I reach the entrance doors, just managing to get a glimpse of my girls long blonde hair as some cunt in a ski mask smashes her over the back of the head with a spanner.

  Everything happens in slow motion. The electric doors open far too slowly, and I growl out impatiently as I await the second doors to detect me and slide open. I feel sick, the bile sitting heavy in the back of my throat as I watch the bastard who hit her throw her in the back of a blacked out Jeep.

  I’m sprinting, the rest of the world has faded away to blackness as I focus on reaching my girl and beating the shit out of the bastard who thought they could harm her.

  “NO, NO, NO! FUCK..CONNIE!” I scream as I watch the tyres on the Jeep screech, and pull away. I just manage to bash my hands on the door as it escapes, too fast for me to reach and grab the door handle.

  At the last second my brain snaps in to function, I can’t chase the fucker, he’s driving too fast and I won’t make it to the car park in time to get my car, I need the number plate.

  I repeat it over and over in my head until I’m sure it’s stuck, then I turn and run back to the concierge, ready to get security, the police, the fucking army for all I care, whoever I need to get my girl back. I swear if that bitch Ash has anything to do with this I will kill her. No ifs or buts, she will be dead or seriously wishing she was.

  “RYAN!” I shout across the lobby,“Get me security now! I want the police on the phone while you’re at it… Oh and Ash, don’t even fucking think of skulking off now. You sit your arse down and then I want every bit of information out of your mouth in the next five minutes, or I’ll be forcing it out of you, you get me?”

  Ash’s mouth gapes, her face taken on an ashen shade as her eyes dart around frantically, looking for a way out. I stalk towards her and grip her arm with just enough force to get her to cry out and know I mean business, but not so much as to break her bony, skanky arm.“Don’t even think about it, I’ll make your life hell if you even consider running after the shit storm you have just caused!”

  I get a small amount of satisfaction as I watch her arse bounce on the sofa, as she struggles to fall gracefully but ends in a heap instead.

  Ryan has obviously witnessed the incident out the front, as he hasn’t awaited anymore instruction from me, but is drilling commands in to the security team on site. I’ll give the bloke his dues, he is one huge fucker and has dealt with a lot of shit in his time. Why he chose to be a concierge I have no idea, but he does his job well and protects this building and the tenants as if they were his own family.

  I snatch the phone from Ryan, who doesn’t even flinch by my aggressive manner. He knows the shit I am feeling right now and will do whatever needs to be done to get Connie back. I’m gonna tear that fucker to shreds with my bare hands. No-one touches my girl and lives to tell about it.

  How could I have allowed this to happen? This is all my fault, and now my girl has been kidnapped all because I couldn’t open my mouth and explain about Ash. Damn me and my fucking stubborn pride!

  “Jeep Grand Cherokee 4.0 Laredo, It’s obviously a private plate, but I wanna know if it’s stolen, I also want a location within the next hour. Follow every CCTV camera you have, my man will be with you to access the rest of the databases soon and see what we can find.” I don’t give the security team on the other end of the phone the chance to respond, I practically throw the phone back at Ryan, and contact the one man nobody messes with, the man I am proud to call my business partner.

  He picks up immediately, his gruff voice telling me the lazy sod is still in bed.

  I don’t need to say much, the man was a highly ranked part of MI5 until an assignment went tits up, if someone needs finding, he’s your man. He didn’t tell me a lot, just that he needed out, and so I made him a shareholder in my Gym franchises, as I was only starting out and wanting to branch out further. It was the best move I could have ever made. I may be the majority holder, but I class him as my equal. He’s a ruthless bastard, and I know if anyone has a chance of finding my girl it’s him.

  “Harry I need your help. Connie’s been kidnapped.”



  “Err, What the hell?”

  My head is pounding, and my eyes are far too heavy for me to even attempt to open them. A deep throbbing has settled to the back of my head, and I start to wonder where exactly it is that I am. I’m trying to get a grasp on reality and figure it all out, but it’s so hard. The pain is so intense and I feel as though a fog has settled over my brain making it impossible to put anything together.

  I slowly raise my arm to feel the huge egg that has formed, and a vague memory of watching my phone smash at my feet floats through my mind. I force my eyes open a slither, and wince at the harshness of the sunlight streaming in through the window.

  The blinds that look as though they were white at one time, are now holey and a deep cream colour, make me frown. The realisation that this isn’t any room I happen to live or stay in hits me like a ton of bricks. Where the bloody hell am I?

  Lifting my head to take in the room further forces a moan from the back of my throat. A dizzy spell washes over me and I suck in a few deep breaths to steady myself.

  I know this room, it’s so familiar, but I cannot for the life of me remember how.

  A woman’s voice screeching from a distance grabs my attention, and I slowly, on achy legs, edge my way to the chipped bedroom door with fist sized holes in it.

don’t believe it, it can’t be her, of all the houses for me to be in, why on earth would I be in my mother in laws?

  It all hits me at once. Hunter being married, being confronted by his posh, flashy wife, everything getting too much to cope with and running from his and Lottie’s apartment complex in an attempt to escape the whole messed up scenario.

  A tear slithers down my cheek, and I brush it away harshly, angry at myself for falling in to another man’s trap. I can never just have a break, every man I allow in to my life screws me over in one way or another. The pain that Hunter has caused me is above and beyond anything Dan ever did to me, including the one too many beatings I was forced to suffer through.

  Alex and Lily spent the whole week away with my Mum as a way for me to learn to heal and move on with my life without Dan, and to keep them away from any backlash Dan would throw my way for me finally getting the balls to walk away from him. There I was stupidly spending the majority of it being wined and dined by Hunter, and falling for a man who has in such a short space of time ripped my heart out and crushed it into pieces.

  I feel irreparable, completely heartbroken.

  I swallow down the pain that sits heavily in my chest, and compel myself to think of a way out of this house without being noticed. Dan has to be here, there is no way he would knock me out and kidnap me, just to drop me at his mother’s house and leave me here unguarded. The woman is cuckoo, she lives in a land of fantasy, I swear she’s not all there at all and would be of no help to him in the slightest.

  The door creaks as I twist the handle and open it gently. My heart thumps painfully, and I pause to listen for movement in the hallway. My arms and legs are shaking from the adrenaline rushing through my system, blood is whooshing through my ears and every small noise nearly makes me throw up in panic. What the shitting hell have I got myself in to?