TRAPPED (Breaking Free Book 2) Read online

Page 10

  “I’m sorry,” I tell him, my voice husky from sleep.“I didn’t hear it, or you know I would have answered it.”

  He leans in and kisses me, his tongue stroking mine softly and expertly.“I know,” he pulls back and kisses me on the nose sweetly,“can you do me favour though? When you arrive anywhere, be it out or at home, can you send me a quick text to let me know you are there safe, that’s all I need. At least until Dan is out of the picture.”

  I mentally kick myself all over his bedroom, the poor man has been through so much because of me, and I’m still causing him stress.“Of course, I’m sorry.” I repeat.

  “Hey,” his fingers grip my chin gently and tilt my face up so I can look him straight in the eyes.“Stop saying sorry. It’s done, okay?”


  “Good, now do you want to rest a bit longer whilst I start to get your things together, or do you want to make a start with me?” My heart skips a beat. I don’t think I have ever come across a man as selfless, and amazing as this one here.

  “I feel better, rested and ready to crack on. We haven’t got long now and I want things ready for them both.”

  “Okeydokey.” My head shoots to the side, taking in Harry stood in the doorway with a grin on his lips and his hands on his hips.“I’ll see you later mate, got some loose ends to tie up. Laters Connie.” And with that he’s gone.

  Taking my lips, Hunter kisses me slow and sensually, causing the blood to heat in my veins. His fingers tease the bare skin on my stomach, goose bump raising across the surface in response.

  Just as I begin to think he’s going to take it further he pulls back and winks down at me. A grumble beaks free from my throat, the man is a tease.“Don’t stop.” I whine.

  He laughs, sucking my bottom lip in to his while I respond with short, sharp pants.“Sorry baby, we have too much to do.” A pout makes it way on to my lips, followed by my eyes narrowing in displeasure at him. I need him to get rid of this sexual tension in my body, after that kiss I need a release and the bastard is holding back on me.

  “I’m sure you can wait. The built up tension will make it so much more pleasurable when I bend you over and sink myself in to your heat.” Oh god, he would have to place that image in my mind now, just when I feel ready to combust.“Put those puppy dog eyes away baby, we haven’t got the time to do what I want to you now.” I didn’t even realise I was giving him puppy dog eyes, my body responding on its own to the pent up sexual feelings.

  “Fine, let’s go then.” I bite back, attempting to push him off of me. I know he’s right, and I really do need to get my arse in gear, but my body has other needs, needs that he has caused.

  His arms come down and restrain mine against my head, his arousal pressing down hard and heavily against my throbbing clit.“Uh, uh. Not so fast, you’re not going anywhere until you put a smile on that gorgeous face of yours.” I can’t think, the sparks flying around my body from the pressure alone of him being pressed against me is almost too much to take. I could come just like this, if he would just grind down a little bit more I could get the release I am so desperately seeking.

  “Hunter please.” At my words he pulls his waist back slightly, taking away all pressure from clit, and causing me to cry out in frustration. No, n, no. If I could move my arms I would beat his chest in frustration right about now.

  “I promise, it will all be worth it.” He pulls back again and steps from the bed, one arm outstretched to help me up. I lie still, glaring at him and crossing my arms across my chest stubbornly. I don’t care how good it will feel, I want it now instead, no scratch that, I need it now.“Connie up. Unless you want Alex and Lily to come home to an empty bedroom?” His eye brow quirks in question at me.

  I grumble beneath my breath, calling him several not so lovely words. He pulls me up, giving me a devastating grin.“Now, where is that smile I love so much?”

  I refuse to do it, I’m too horny to think straight, let alone smile, and himwithholding that huge cock has just made it worse.“Hmmph.” I respond, throwing him the filthiest look I can garner up.

  He laughs again, infuriating me further. He’s just as turned on as me, the evidence is clearing protruding through his trousers, so how on earth can he act as if nothing is wrong?

  It’s evident we are at a standoff, him refusing to satisfy me, and me refusing to put a smile on my face. His next tactic I didn’t see coming until it was too late. His finger’s find my neck and begin tickling, not too hard that I will hurt myself, but hard enough that I struggle not to smile and giggle lightly.

  “There’s that beautiful smile. Now don’t lose it, or I will be forced to tickle you again.” He kisses my forehead,“I love you baby.”

  Meh, the stubborn bastard has me, he knows just the right thing to say to butter me up.“Yeah, yeah. I love you too,” I respond, unable to lose the goofy grin on my face.

  We spend the next hour and a half gathering most of mine and the kid’s belongings together and placing them in Hunter’s apartment. The decision on where to put the kids was easy, closest bedroom to where I will be with Hunter, which was just next door, and I wanted them sharing. They may have had their own rooms when we lived with Dan, but their whole world as theyhave known it has been turned upside down, I’d much rather them be together and able to offer comfort to one another should they wake in the night and feel disorientated. It’s only temporary anyway, as soon as I am back on my feet properly we can move in to Lottie’s and start searching for our own place.

  I’m busy putting their clothes in the wardrobes, and their soft toys on their beds, when Hunter comes in with the several toy bags from Toys r us. I say several, I really mean half the bloody stores worth. With everything that has gone on the last few days, I had completely forgottenabout Hunter’s over the top spending spree on the kids, although it has come in handy, I’m sure it will make the moving about easier for the pair of them to live with.

  He starts unpacking the bags, placing Alex’s toys on the shelf above his bed and bedside table, his being the farthest from the door, and Lily’s on the chest of drawers and in what appears to be rather suspiciously a new toy trunk.

  I can hear him humming Sam Smith’s‘stay with me’ beneath his breath as he moves about, clearly content in playing the role of family man. It really suits him, and warms me to him just that little bit more, if that was even possible. He truly cares about making Alex and Lily’s stay comfortable, that alone means more to me than anything.

  I pull out my new phone, and quietly sit on the bed and record him. Anyone would think he was the kiddie’s Dad, he is so into doing this, and enjoying it too.

  About thirty seconds in he seems to catch me out the corner of his eye. He turns to face the camera, giving it a swoon worthy grin and saunters over to me. I hit the‘back’ button on the device and rest my arms on his shoulders, dropping the side of my face in to his chest. He hums contentedly, swaying me gently in his arms. I could happily stay like this forever. I don’t know how I went on for so long, living through what I did with Dan, when this is the happiest a man has ever made me. The feeling is indescribable, I can’t find words to express the sheer joy and love he makes me feel. It’s a completely different love to the one I have for my children, but in its own way it’s just as strong.

  “Thank you for doing this, you’ve done more than I could ever ask for, I will forever be in your debt.” I whisper at him.

  He pulls me back a touch to be able to see in to my eyes.“You don’t ever have to thank me, I would do the same ten times over with no difference whatsoever. Don’t ever forget that, I’m always here, anything you need just ask.” He tells me with sincerity clear in his voice.

  “I know, I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I sure as hell am not complaining.” He chuckles, shaking his head in amazement.“Baby, I’ve said the same since that night I met you, and I will continue to say the same for every day you choose to stick around. I don’t ever want to let you go.” My heart fe
els as if it could explode with happiness from chest. I never used to understand all the soppy crap my friends used to tell me about, how their other half’s would say and do such loving things, I used to cringe in movies when I’d see the lovey doveybits, and now I could happily listen to them come from Hunter’s mouth all day long.

  I lean up on my tiptoes, taking Hunter’s mouth hungrily. He carefully lifts me in to his arms, prompting me with a few taps to the side of my thighs to wrap my legs around his waist. He begins walking out of the room, and enters‘our’ room, closing the door behind him and lowering me to the ground. We both remove our clothes hurriedly, needing one another.

  I unabashedly, place my now naked body on the bed, my arms propping me up, and my legs dropping open giving Hunter a view of my soaking wet pussy. He stalks towards me, like a predator with its prey, and runs his thumb up my slit, gathering my arousal and swirling it around my throbbing clit.

  I don’t know what has gotten in to me, but I do not seem to give a shit, I want this man, and I want him now. I’m acting like a complete brazen hussy, and I fucking love it.

  “I know I said we were to wait,” he pauses, one side of his mouth tilts up as I begin to panic that he has wound my body up, only to refuse me again,“but I can’t wait baby, it physically hurts seeing you like this and being unable to take you. I have to have that perfect cunt, but we are going to take this slow and steady, my way, or not at all.” His thumb continues to swirl as he tells me this, the pleasure building throughout, intensifying to nearly unbearable levels with the need to have him fill me.

  “Please, I need you.” I cry out.

  “Not yet baby, you’re not ready for me.” Is he kidding me? I know for a fact I’m soaked, and practically panting with need.

  I feel hollow, empty, I need his cock, and I need it now.

  My hips roll, attempting to add more pressure to my clit, but he anticipates my move and reacts in sync with me, much to my frustration.

  I reach down to seize his huge cock, growling aloud when my hand finds air instead. He dips his head, nipping and sucking at each of nipples in turn, gradually increasing the speed and pressure of his thumb.

  My eyes squeeze shut, the pleasure mounting and shooting outwards to the tips of my fingers and toes.“Oh god, fuckkk.” I groan out long and low as I explode, the orgasm only fuelling the need for Hunter further.

  The second I come back down to earth I bat his hand away, sliding down the bed a touch so as to be able to reach his hardness.

  He hisses in a breath as I grab a fistful, slowly pumping my hand up and down his length.“Are you going to give me what I need and fuck me yet, or do I need to drive you crazy with want?” I purr the words seductively at him.

  “You continuously drive me crazy with want woman.” His hands drop beside my head, and in one slow, drawn out move, he pumps forward, finding my entrance and sinking fully inside with my hand flattened between our bodies.

  We both whimper from the feeling his actions cause, the sheer bliss of having him inside of me is out of this world, I don’t think I will ever get bored of this.

  He remains motionless inside of me, allowing me time to adjust to his size. He rolls his hips, hitting every nerve ending within me, and sparking pleasure throughout.

  When he feels the tenseness leave my body, he begins to move, with slow, deliberate, measured strokes. The connection I feel with this man is like no other, I will never have enough of him and can only pray he feels the same about me.

  Every thrust he makes inwards hits my g spot dead on, sparking an orgasm to build from out of nowhere almost immediately. I know I’m not going to be long, the feeling is exquisite, and just what my body was craving.

  He dips his face to mine, taking my lips as he pumps in to me, my tongue meeting his stroke for stroke in time with his thrusts. This is making loving, not fucking, but two people using their bodies to express how they feel for one another.

  My inner muscles gradually tense around his cock, at the same time his cock begins to swell. The pair of us are right on the edge, just needing that final push. I pull my mouth away and mumble an“I love you,” as I shatter in to a million pieces beneath him. He draws my orgasm out by continuing to move in and out, my inner muscles soon milking his orgasm from him.

  He falls to the side of me,“I love you too baby, so, so much!” and pulls my head on to his chest. Both of our breathing is laboured, and we are a sweaty mess, but I could not care less right now. I am where I want to be, with a man who loves me for me, and am a sexually sated, happy in love woman.



  I must have drifted to sleep again, my body tiring easily after its ordeal, and also feeling the aches and pain more when the exhaustion sets in.“Shh. Sleep. I’ll finish up whilst you get some rest. Your Mum called to inform you of the traffic she is stuck in, and that she doesn’t expect to be with us before eight. You have plenty of time.” I feel his lips press against my forehead briefly. I barely have the energy to give a reply, finding it easier and a lot less painful to roll over and lose myself in sleep again.

  I’m awoken again, this time by what sounds to be Hunter talking loudly and rapidly. His words aren’t very clear, due to the distance he has obviously placed between us, but the‘motherfuckers’ and the‘shit’ he keeps repeating travel quite clearly to me. Something is obviously wrong, and by the sounds of it, it is quite bad.

  I don’t give myself the chance to rouse properly, opting to swing my legs off of the bed, my eyes spotting a fresh pair of leggings, purple vest top and underwear on top of the chest of the drawers by the door, the man thinks of everything. I dress quickly and carry myself on achy limbs out of the bedroom door in search of Hunter.

  I can’t help but steal a glance next door, stopping outside of the kid’s bedroom, taking in all he has done whilst I have been sleeping.

  Their new and old toys are neatly tucked on shelves and toy chests, with several of their old toys being placed on their beds. They have new duvet sets, pink princesses for Lily and superheroes for Alex. Two nightlights have been inserted in to the sockets beside their beds, and a huge brown faux fur rug has been placed in the centre of the room. The addition that astonishes me the most though, are the brackets that were at the foot of both of the beds on the wall, now have two flat screen TV/DVD combis, one pink and one blue.

  Not only has he transformed a spare room in to a kid’s bedroom, he has taken it to a whole other level, they didn’t even have this luxury at home. I’m amazed at the selflessness and the lengths this man keeps going to make us all happy. I know Alex and Lily will love it, I also know they are never going to want to leave.

  A thumping sound resonates from down the hall, and I snap myself from my musings and go in the other direction in search of Hunter again.

  He is stood, with his back facing me, staring out of the windows overlooking the river. A small side table, which I’m pretty sure he didn’t have before I fell asleep, is turned on its side, with one of the wooden legs hanging off at an odd angle.“Come on man, you have to know the hospital? This should be a piece of piss for you, you already know where the accident happened.”

  Hospital, what the bloody hell is he talking about? I’m worrying now, he sounds frustrated and angry talking to whomever is on the phone. And an accident, oh god, surely it can’t be my Mum and the kids, my phone hasn’t rang, that I’m aware of.

  Bollocks, I sprint back to the bedroom, ignoring the pain bouncing around my body. My heart is thumping painfully in my chest at a rapid rate, blood whooshing through my ears.

  I can distantly hear Hunter calling my name, but I need to get to my phone and be sure that he is not talking about my family. I make the mistake of running in to our room, spinning on the spot and running back to Lily and Alex’s when I remember leaving my bag in there.

  Shit, come on. The room is spotless, and my bag is nowhere to be seen. Oh god, I’m going to be sick, not my babies, please not my babie

  “Connie.” A pair of strong arms come around me, turning me around to face Hunter dressed in a yellow Lyle and Scott t-shirt and light denim jeans. I can’t bring myself to look at his face, if it is them then I cannot cope with hearing the words come from his lips.“Connie.” He repeats, placing his index finger beneath my chin and raising my face to his. I screw my eyes shut in response. I can’t hear this.

  “Baby look at me.” I shake my head childishly from side to side in response.

  “What’s going on?” Huh, what? How can he ask that when he has been shouting and smashing things up and asking about hospitals? Something has happened. I snap my eyes open and frown in confusion at him.

  “Where are my Mum and the kids?” I suck in a shaky breath.

  Hunter frowns,“Your Mum and the kids?” I nod, on the verge of throwing up.“On their way back, unless you have heard anything different. Why has something happened to them?” His hands come up to hold on to my upper arms, worry evident on his features all of a sudden.

  Now I’m really confused, I assumed when he mentioned an accident and hospital that he had to be talking about my family. Oh balls, how stupid do I appear? I’m so used to the worst always happening, that the first thought running through my mind was that it was my family.“I heard you mention anaccident on the phone, and something about a hospital, I put that together with the shouting and banging, and like an idiot I assumed you were talking about my babies.” I reply sheepishly.

  Hunter leans down and rests his forehead against mine, inhaling heavily.“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be so loud.” He pauses, and I watch as his eyes close and he chews his lip for a moment, appearing to mull over his next words. He didn’t deny it though, and that makes my whole world feel as though it is on the brink of crashing down around me.“Lottie was on her home from the office, or so Harry can work out. She was waiting at a set of lights, not too far from here when she was involved in a collision. She was stationary, and the car that hit her did pull a hit and run. Apparently she appears almost unscathed, just a mild case of whiplash, but she was taken to hospital to get checked out as a precaution. Harry is going to find out where she was taken and go and see her to bring her home.” Oh my god, why haven’t I been called? What am I saying, I wouldn’t even know if I had been, my bag has gone.