TRAPPED (Breaking Free Book 2) Read online

Page 13

  He has a black polo with the carvery logo on, and the tightest black trousers I have ever seen somebody wear, like really, I don’t see how he would have got them on, I would struggle to squeeze in to them. His hair is pretty hilarious too, it is shaved at the sides, but a styled mop on top of his head ending in a point, add that to the pink diamond earring in his ear, the small silk scarf around his neck and the yellow and pink loom band bracelets on his wrists, I would safely say he is gay. That’s even without the camp voice and hand gestures. I love this guy already.

  After waiting for the host to, well, do anything, Hunter speaks again.“Table under Jacobson please.” The host snaps to attention, and a red glow starts in his cheeks.

  I actually giggle this time, but try to cover it up with a cough.“Oh, yes, you’re right. I am so sorry sir, right this way.” He leads us through the packed restaurant, past the diner’s queueing to select their meats, causing my mouth to salivate, and down a small set of stairs to a small, somewhat empty dining area.

  I literally squeal upon seeing who is sat waiting for me at the table.

  “Mummy.” My babies shout, and jump up from their seats, sprinting at me as fast as their little legs will carry them. I give an‘oomph,’ when they crash straight in to my legs and tummy, but drop to their level and wrap my arms around the pair of them, squeezing and kissing them all over.“Oh I have missed you both so,” kiss them on the cheek,“so,” kiss them on the other cheek,“much.” Kiss them all over again.

  I pull them up to a standing position, giggling when they both wrap themselves around a leg and don’t let go. The smiles on their faces have my heart fluttering wildly in my chest, there is no better feeling than being with my angels, they soothe any problems away by just being there.

  “Let’s go and sit down, and you can tell me all about your time with Grandma.” Our host is stood, alternating between picking his nails, and checking Hunter out.

  “Can I sit next to you Mummy?” Alex asks before his sister can.

  “No, I want to sit Mummy!” She shouts back at him, he in turn leans around me and growls at her,“No,” He snaps,“I asked first so I get to.”

  Lily screams in frustration and begins to cry, breaking my heart a little bit.“Whoa, whoa, whoa, you can both sit with your Mummy, she can sit in the middle of you both. That okay?” Hunter jumps in, solving the problem and their tantrum immediately.

  “Thank you.” I mouth the words at him.

  He simply smiles in response, seeming truly happy and giving me a look so full of love that my heart nearly bursts from my chest in response.

  I don’t know how I can ever repay this man, he turns my world upside in the best possible ways, making me his priority above anyone and everything. How anybody could do what Ash did to him I will never know, he would have given her the world if she hadn’t been so intent on screwing him over and running him in to the ground for her own gain.

  Her loss is my gain though, and I can only pray to god that I don’t lose him.

  Hunter sits beside my mum, and I sit opposite the pair of them, with Alex to my left and Lily to my right. The pair of them are talking a mile a minute and my attention is split, making it hard to truly listen to one or the other.

  Our host coughs loudly, drawing all of our attention.“Can I get you anything to drink?” He asks with his eyes solely on Hunter.

  “Connie?” Hunter instead asks me, seeing as my Mum and children already have drinks.

  “Erm, can I have a still bottle of water please, oh and a glass with some ice?” I ask above my children who have begun talking my ear off again with heir escapades.

  I receive the tiniest of nods in response, before he looks to Hunter again.“I’ll have one of your refillable cokes please mate.” I stifle a laugh as the host sways, his body gravitating towards Hunter as he listen to him place his order.

  A dreamy sigh escapes his lips,“Of course, I’ll be right back with that. If you should need anything over the course of the evening, you just give me a little wave and I’ll pop right over.” He turns his back on us,“Oh, I assume you are all having the carvery?” He questions over his shoulder.

  Hunter raises a brow, not impressed with him at all,“You assumed correctly.” He replies flatly.

  As soon as he is out of sight, Hunter looks to the four of us in astonishment,“Is it me, or did his hair make him look like an ice gem?” My mother and I burst out laughing, with Lily and Alex jumping in response.

  I am laughing so hard, one arm wrapped around my side for support. I physically cannot stop laughing, he was spot on, the host was totally impersonating an iced gem. Hunter begins to laugh with us, and it sets me off even harder, if at all possible, I even snort a few times without meaning to. The kids start to laugh at us, little giggles that are infectious, and just as you think you are about to stop they set you off again.

  “Oh, I can see why you reserved the whole of our side room now. I did wonder why a table for five would need this much space.” Our host says offhandedly as he places mine and hunters drinks before us.

  The second the words spill from his mouth, Hunter stops laughing. He looks to Alex and Lily and immediately glares at our host.“Care to explain what you mean by that?” The rest of our giggles die down, the tension in the room becoming uncomfortable. Trust us to get a twat for a server.

  The host shuffles on his feet, panic evident on his face.“Um, you see,” he stutters,“the women and children were being quite loud, and I could totally see why you would book such a large space for such a small party. It was good thinking on your part.” He looks like he is going to cry by the time he finishes, but Hunter appears even angrier, his knuckles turning white from the grip he has on the edge of the table.

  “So you’re telling me, you don’t allow laughter in a family restaurant. Is that what you are saying? And I think you will find I was making just as much noise as the rest of our party, if not more.” The host splutters in response, trying to back track on his previous words.

  “No, no of course not. Laughter is welcomed here, encouraged even, it is a family restaurant as you stated. I, I didn’t mean any offence, I just wanted to compliment you on your brilliant thinking.” His words come out rushed and panicky.

  “I think in the future it is best if you keep your mouth shut and not ruin a happy family moment. There was absolutely no reason for you to come and make such a comment to my family.” I get butterflies when Hunter mentions‘his family,’ a big goofy grin spreads across my face, which my Mum notices immediately and winks at me. She is totally unaffected by what is going on, more interested in her chocolate milkshake than anything else. She is such a big kid sometimes.

  “Of course sir, I am so sorry that I offended you, and if there is anything I can do to make it up to you, please let me know.” The guy continues rambling, when all I want him to do is to piss off to someone else’s table to annoy them instead.

  Lily kneels up and leans forward to tickle Hunter’s fingers, getting them to loosen so she can grab a hold of his hand. She giggles when he drums his fingers on her knuckles,“No, I’m sure we will be fine.” The host is dismissed without a look, and I turn to watch him practically skulk away, tail tucked between his legs.

  “Well I think you handled that incredibly well, he has been a bit of a pest tonight. He clearly doesn’t like children, or women for that matter.” My mum directs at Hunter.“Shall we?” She asks us all, picking up her empty plate and pointing in the direction of the food.

  We all follow her lead, queueing up and ordering our choice of meats, along with our selection of vegetables and sides. My stomach growls throughout the whole process, the look of the food and smell is divine.

  I always go overboard at a carvery, I balance as much food as I can on the plate, and then struggle to stick my fork in anything without it falling off of the plate, that’s if I don’t somehow manage to drop any of it on the walk back to the table in the first place. The food is always balanced so precariously, m
y eyes bigger than tummy every single time.

  We all tuck in eagerly, even the kids, who usually want to chat and pick at their food, dig straight in. The silence must be a record, well without Dan being around, for the kids. After about five minutes of eating, Lily begins to tell me about all of the animals she saw at the zoo, and how Grandma bought her a big horsey teddy from the shop. Alex, listening to his sister, jumps in with how he has the biggest shark teddy they sold. I raise my eyebrows at my Mum, dreading the size of these toys, but she simply shrugs in response.

  “Are we staying with Lottie Mum?” There he goes with that Mum again.

  “Don’t you mean Mummy you little terror, and no, we are going to stay at Hunter’s for a little while.” Hunter huffs at my words,“Indefinitely.” He adds on.


  “Indefinitely.” He repeats, and tucks back in to his food. My mum, the cheeky mare, is nibbling a Yorkshire pudding, and fighting back a smile.

  “We shall see.” This is not the time to argue with him, I will do that when the kids are tucked up in bed and not within hearing distance.

  “Yep.” His lips pop the‘p,’ then he turns to give Alex and Lily his attention,“Got a few little surprises for the pair of you.” The bastard plays dirty.

  Alex and Lily begin bouncing in their seats, obviously excited at the prospect of staying with Hunter and having a few surprises, as if they haven’t had enough lately.“Yay.” They both reply in unison.

  I could bash my head against a brick wall in frustration. I love him, but the man is insufferable at times.



  Watching my girl interact with her kids is amazing. I can’t wait to see her pregnant with our child, belly all swollen.

  She turns meinside out, I have a permanent hard on when I am with her, hell, even when I’m not with her it’s there waiting for me to sink it deep inside of her. She isn’t just a pretty face, she has a smoking hot body, fantastic tits and arse, and those legs, fuck, I could wrap them around me twice. Every good looking piece of pussy I have come across has the personality of a fucking flea, but not my girl, she is the kindest, most loving, loyal, and funniest woman I have ever come across. Fuck I sound whipped, totally pussy whipped, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  I aint letting her go, Dan can go swivel if he thinks he is ever laying a hand on her again, she belongs with me, along with those adorable children of hers. They are my family now, and the sooner he fucks off, the sooner I can wife her up.

  The thing about being with a woman who fucks you over, and makes your life hell, is when something good and real steps in to your life, you immediately grab hold of it and don’t ever let it go, and that’s exactly what I plan on doing with Connie. If Ash hadn’t have fucked me over, I wouldn’t have a ready-made family sitting right here, fast becoming my whole world, and the sooner we can add to it, the better as far as I am concerned. Connie may take a bit of persuading, but that is just her worrying what everyone else will think, and her history with Dan holding her back. Anything her or those kiddies want they can have, they are my whole world now, and fuck anyone who doesn’t like it.

  “What are you so pensive about?” Her voice penetrates my inner musings. Even her fucking voice turns me on.

  “Nothing baby. The kids settled?” After everything she has been through, she is still fighting, she is without a doubt the strongest person I know. I can see she is in pain, but she didn’t once complain, and turned her whole focus on her children. The second they got back here she was rolling around their bedroom, playing games and their new toys with them until they were exhausted. She didn’t once tell them she was tired, or they were getting out of hand when they got a bit rough or over excited, she would calm them down another way, start a new game or do something totally random to grab their attention.

  A yawn escapes her lips, and I take note immediately that she is looking somewhat tired again, not that I’m surprised with the hell she has been through.“Yeah, all tucked up and soundo. Thank you so much Hunter, I have missed them both so much, and to see how happy you have made them means more than anything anyone could ever do for me,” That’s another thing, she is always so reluctant to take anything from me, always majorly grateful for any little thing I do as well. Ash would have thrown a fit and demanded I do or buy something else on top, it would have never been enough.

  “Don’t thank me, the biggest thanks is seeing a smile on your face.” Fuck, I sound like a sap, but the words are completely true. Another thing I learnt from Ash, don’t hide who you are, be truthful and upfront from the get go.

  She walks sleepily towards me, practically collapsing against my body as she wraps her arms around my neck and rests her head against my shoulder.“I love you.” She mumbles, beginning to sound a tad incoherent.

  I chuckle in response, and sweep her in to my arms.“Come on baby, let’s get you to bed.” She perks up slightly, taking the context of my words all wrong. Oh my girls dirty, and fucking love it.

  “Not like that, you need to sleep. You’re going to need your energy for what I plan on doing to you anyway.” I hear a small moan, and my cock twitches in response.

  “You,” mumbles something,“fair.” I laugh again,“You mean I don’t play fair? I’ll make it up to you, promise.” She sighs at the small kiss I place on her forehead.

  God this girl, I would give my life for her, if that fucker Dan, or anyone for that matter was to take her from me, I’d end them.

  One corner of the bed near the pillows is pulled back, and I flip the covers back with one hand as I lower a now passed out Connie in to our bed. She can fight it all she wants, she belongs here and she’s staying.

  She doesn’t even stir as I undress her, exhaustion truly taking over and pulling her in to a deeper slumber.

  Searching through her wardrobe, the idea of placing her in one of those posh, silk night gowns turns my stomach. Ash always had to have the best, and she would never go to bed in anything but one of those, my girl isn’t some stuck up snooty bitch, and I don’t want her in anything that Ash would wear, the thought alone is enough to make my skin crawl.

  Spinning on my heel, I turn to my smaller walk in wardrobe, Connie’s may not be full of clothes yet, even with the shopping Lottie keeps doing for her, but I plan on rectifying that pretty damn soon. Alex and Lily have more clothes than she does.

  No woman of mine is going to have a smaller wardrobe than me, after all the shit in her life she deserves to be spoilt and treated like the princess that she is, and I plan on doing just that. Watching her go through an array of emotions when I gave her that car, now that is something ingrained in my mind forever, her being so apprehensive to take it, and then finally accepting that I will not back down and seemingly truly grateful and utterly happy. Ash would have grunted a thanks, and then asked for a chauffeur to drive it for her.

  There is no expectation with Connie, if anything she gets pissed that someone is spending money on her, and all the negativism stems from that waster Dan. If he ever showered her with any affection or bought her simple little gifts, then it would be a whole different ball game right now, yes she may be overwhelmed at the extravagance of it all, but she would be able to accept them without doubting herself and me. She needs to realise that what I spend is so insignificant to me, if I could I would give it all to her, show her what she has been deserving of from day one.

  I snap myself to attention, my fingers digging in to a rack of t-shirts before me, gripping the softest one I can find out of the large selection. I wouldn’t usually bother, but things are different now, her children are next door and I don’t it would go down too well if Mummy and her new man were naked in bed together.

  Stepping up to the bed, I can’t help but stand there like a love sick muppet and take in her beauty. That long blonde hair is thrown over her shoulder, falling to her waist, her cute button nose, long eyelashes fanning across her cheek bones, those lips, god those lips. They
are lips made to be wrapped around my cock, and just as fast as I think it, my cock stiffens at the thought. She is like a sleeping angel, so fucking perfect.

  I never envisioned meeting anyone like her, after that money grabbing bitch Ash, I made the assumption that all women were the same, but the second I saw my girl I knew, I knew she was like none other and I had to have her. My ray of sunshine.

  She doesn’t even stir as I pull the soft material over her head, and place her arms in it. Her naked body beckons me to wake her up and fuck her, those plump tits rising and falling as she breathes. No matter how much my cock aches, I am not going to be a selfish arse and wake her just for my own pleasure, after everything she has been through she needs to rest. She is doing much better than I expected her to, but her energy levels are crap, showing how much a toll it has put on her body.

  Ignoring my cock’s protests, I wrap her in the covers and go and check on Alex and Lily. How Dan could treat his family like he did I will never know, they were the best gift he could have ever received and the bastard threw them aside like trash. I should be thankful really, they are mine now, and I will do everything from them that he never did. I honestly think that if Ash hadn’t screwed me over, then I wouldn’t appreciate them like I do. I still would have loved them all, but I don’t think I would have truly grown up as I have had to. To believe I was to be a father, a husband, and then have it all ripped from my life. Lies and deceit. I suppose I should be thankful for Ash screwing me over too, I have this ready-made, gorgeous family, and I aint about to fuck it all up.

  The past is the past, I now have a whole new, bright future to look forward to.

  I stifle a laugh at the way they sleep, if I didn’t know any better I would say they were twins. They are so similar in looks and in many of their mannerisms. Even the way they sleep, they are tucked up in a ball, a teddy hugged tight to their bodies, snoring away, identical in position.