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TRAPPED (Breaking Free Book 2) Page 17

  My hand caresses her arse as I pull her away, slowly kneading her tight, pert cheeks. She is sex on legs, every inch of her setting my body alight.

  Her eyes look to me, dazed, and glassed over with lust. She attempts to rub herself against my straining erection, but I hold her at arm’s length, chuckling beneath my breath and turning her in the direction of her children.

  I watch her blink several times, attempting to clear her lust induced brain, and finally grasping what I am hinting at. Her mouth forms a silent‘O’ and she turns back to me with a smirk on her lips and a blush on her cheeks.“Whoops, that could have been hard to explain... And just for the record, I think you are being a huge pussy tease.” She says on a lowered voice.

  My eye brow raises in question,“A what?” I ask on a slight chuckle.

  Her eyes roll, and she leans forward whispering in my ear.“You know, like a cock tease, but of the opposite sex.. Instead of giving a boner, you have me dripping wet and tingling in anticipation of a cock I am will not begetting?”

  A groan makes its way from the back of my throat, the image of my girl bound on the bed and wet for me almost enough to make me drag her from the room caveman style. But I hold on to my resolve and tell myself I will fuck her every way possible and more later, when I have her alone.

  I force several deep breaths down to my lungs, as a way to stop my raging lust from tearing its way through me.

  Despite the coy look, and corner of her lip Connie is biting, I can see her words have embarrassed her somewhat. I can see quite clearly that she is torn between talking sex, and running and hiding. Her insecurities are the only thing holding her back, I know there is a wildcat in there and her words and actions lately have been proving it more and more. It just takes the right man to bring her out of her shell, and luckily for me, I am the one who appears to be doing just that.

  Connie is everything any man could ever want for in a lover, a freak in the bedroom but a lady outside of it. I’m never not horny lately, and it’s all down to this little bombshell; before me.

  “Save it for later baby, I want you tied up, face down and arse in the air, whilst I fuck you so hard you see stars.”

  Her sharp intake of breath is a clear indicator that my words have hit their target, with any luck my girl will be jumping me the second we are alone.

  Her hand lowers its way down my chest, stopping just above my trouser line on my lower stomach and rubbing circles in to the skin, all the while not removing eye contact from me.“You always have me gagging for you.”

  Fuck it, the kids are occupied, I’m sure we can sneak in to another room somewhere for a quickie.

  My hand snakes around her wrist and drags her close to me, in a bid to show her just how worked up I am and that I have to have her now, but the little minx winks at me, pecks me on the lips and says,“Later bad boy, don’t want to spoil our fun later,” and turns and walks away, placing herself on the sofa as if she hasn’t just turned my cock to stone.

  I stand, mouth agape before I come to the conclusion that whilst I was attempting to get her all hot and bothered for later, my girl has just played me, and now I am going to be walking around, or trying to anyway, with the biggest, most painful hard-on I ever think I have had.

  Her head swings in my direction briefly, and I can see the mirth dancing in her eyes, although her face remains expressionless.“You play dirty.” I mouth at her.

  She winks at me,“Oh I like it dirty big boy.” She mouths back.

  Fuck me, what has come over my girl? Whatever it is, I hope it never stops. I don’t think I have ever been this turned on.

  I sneak one more look at her, watching her become engrossed with the game her children are playing, and wondering to myself how someone who looks so angelic could be so filthy in the bedroom, before I turn and make my way down the hall to make a few calls.

  I just hope I can hold out until later, my cock is painful just moving, let alone getting through the day with no relief and being near the one woman who made me like this in the first place.

  “Fucking torture is what it is.” I mutter to myself as I dial the first person on my list.



  The last couple of days have passed by relatively quickly and uneventful. Alex and Lily have gone back to school and nursery, thankfully Hunter placed a security detail on them, just in case Dan decided to show up and try to take the. Part of me thinks he wouldn’t bother, they are too much hard work for him, but then if he wanted to hurt me that is the best and most effective way to do it.

  I refuse to let Dan control my life anymore, so I hopped in my new flashy car, -obviously with my own detail following my every move- and drove my children to school, trying to regain some kind of normality and routine for all of our sakes. The best part was receiving daggers from some of the parents when I pulled up in to a bay next to the gates, the looks of pure disgust and envy being enough to make me walk my children in with an extra swagger to my step.

  The one person I was kind of dreading seeing was Rhia, knowing it could go one of two ways. I wold either smack her down in the playground, or act like she didn’t exist. I know how I would like to behave, because for all intents and purposes she can keep Dan, I am sure as hell better off without him, but for her part, her betrayal as a supposed to be friend is what makes me think I may snap.

  Thankfully, Diane sought me out and was quick to inform me that Rhiahas taken her children and from what is being told around the school, moved down to her husband’s house on the coast somewhere.

  My mind was reeling at hearing that piece of news, on one hand, good riddance, but on the other I never got the closure that I wanted, I never got to find out how a friend could backstab me so awfully. Then I suppose she never really was my friend, it was all a lie.

  Diane looked pretty awful, but waved off my concern as being tired, and having too many things to do in the day and not enough time. I didn’t buy that excuse for a second, and I told her so, but I also told her that I was there for her whenever she wanted to talk.

  She also kept trying to apologise for how she informed me of Dan’s cheating, and that if she had any inkling of what they were doing, she would have confronted Rhiaimmediately. After us hugging it out, and me telling her she had nothing to be sorry for, and I’m thankful she came through as a friend, we arranged a brunch date for a couple of days’ time.

  So that’s where I am now, sat at a table in a little Italian restaurant near the school and waiting for Diane to get here. Lottie couldn’t join us, her and Harry had a few things to sort out. I just hope she pulls her head out of her arse before it’s too late and she loses him.

  “Mam, oh dear, I am so sorry.” My attention is brought to the entrance of the restaurant, where a flustered waiter has handkerchiefs and his hands all over Diane’s now soaking wet white, and see-through tee-shirt.

  I try to stifle a giggle, but end up snorting and garnering strange looks from the occupants of the table beside me, my cheeks flame in response, but my attention is quickly grabbed by Diane again, who is batting the server’s hands away as he attempts to clear up his mess.

  “I’m fine, it will dry.” Diane barks at the flustered man.“Will you stop grabbing my boobs and let me make my way to my friend? A bottle of rose on the house will more than suffice as an apology, don’t you think?” She raises her eyebrow in question, and shakes her head in exasperation as the man scuttles off to do as she has asked.

  “My god, do they not look where they are going in this place? Am I that hard to miss?” I take in my friend’s skin tight leather trousers, biker boots, and tight, but now transparent white tee. No she really is not that hard to miss, especially with a rack that big.

  Diane notices my expression and laughs,“I guess I should have waited to be seated, but I could see you from the door and didn’t think much of it, especially not the tiny man carrying a tray of drinks and coming from the kitchen in my direction.”

She makes herself comfortable in the seat opposite me, oblivious to the other diners gawking at her.

  I go to respond, but the man who was copping a handful of Diane’s boobs, unintentionally of course, shows her the bottle of Rose, to which she nods and agrees to.

  We both sit and watch as he shakily uncorks the bottle, and rattles it against her glass, stuttering an apology again before he shoots back to the kitchen, face tomato red.

  “That poor man, he didn’t know where to look.” I don’t know where to look, her rather lacy and quite sexy bra is doing rather a rubbish job of hiding her huge boobs.

  She waves my comment away,“He’ll get over it, I’m sure he has seen a pair of boobs before.” She throws a cardigan around her shoulders, and does the buttons up, hiding some of her chest.

  “So, how are you?” She gives me a concerned look as she lifts her glass and takes a sip of her wine.

  How do I answer that? On one hand I am better than I have ever been, so deliriously happy and loving the life I now have, but on the other I am a bag of nerves waiting for the ball to drop and for Dan to come along and mess things up.

  I look up to see Diane staring at me expectantly,“Erm, truthfully?” She nods,“I am head over heels in love, my children are happy, I am happy and Hunter has been nothing but amazing.”

  Taking a mouthful of water I wait for her to reply and change the subject, but of course that isn’t the Diane I know and love.

  “But?” Her eyebrows raise in question, I stare back, unsure of what to say.“There’s always a‘but’ Connie, and I want you to tell me how you really are, none of this‘half-truths bullshit’ you are so good at.”

  I sigh, knowing she is right, but hating that I am so transparent.

  “I’m scared something is going to come along and fuck it all up, if something is too good to be true than it probably is... or so the saying goes.” I feel foolish saying these things aloud, but deep down they are exactly how I am feeling.

  My hand stings, and a squeal leaves my lips as Diane slaps me on the back of the hand,“Stop being so bloody negative, if anyone deserves happiness it is you, and it is too far overdue. Enjoy it and stop living in the past.” She’s right, I know she is, but it doesn’t help when all I have had thrown at me is negatives the last few years, how do you just let it all go? It’s not something that can be done overnight.

  I swallow another mouthful of water, pensive for a moment.“I know, and I also know that everybody deserves some happiness, but I am so used to it all going tits up that I have learnt never to open my mouth and be happy in case fate came and slapped me in the face, which she has done on one too many an occasion.” Her face screws up in disgust, her mouth opening to butt in, but I hold my hand in front of her face and continue before she can get a word out,“but I also know I can’t keep living with all of the what ifs. What will be will be, and from now on I will take every day as it comes, waking up every morning and starting the day on a positive, fuck Dan and any hold he thinks he has on me.”

  I watch her blanch at Dan’s name, and stare at her questioningly,“Good, that prick never deserved you or your children, you should never have been together, that boy got lucky when he met you, and the stupid fool took you for granted, treated you like shit and fucked you over. Bastard.” Taking in her white knuckle grip on the poor, fragile wine glass, her face flushed with anger and the heat behind her words, I can’t help but think something more is going on. Diane is no fan of Dan, but she also wouldn’t speak with such hatred, anyone would think he fucked her over.

  Her eyes snap to mine, and a sheepish expression flits briefly across her face,“I’m sorry Connie, I promised Lottie I wouldn’t say anything, but Dan has continued making threats towards me, well not in person, but somehow has been getting them to me, painted on walls, letters, dead flowers again, you get the drift. Thankfully Hunter has hired some guys to watch out for me and…”

  “Wait, what?!” The words practically come out screeched.“Dan did what? And Hunter did what?”

  I’m baffled, my mind completely frazzled. Why the hell would Hunter keep something like this from me? Dan is my ex and my problem, how dare he step in and not even tell me. I should have been there for my friend, this is all my fault, and I couldn’t even try and stop him or make it right.

  “Why didn’t you talk to me straight away?” My tone comes out accusing.

  Her hand stretches across the table and takes mine, and she offers up a small smile.“We were trying to keep you safe, Dan could have planned for it that way all along, he would have known you would have come to me without a second’s concern for your own welfare. You have enough to worry about, I can look after myself, plus your hunky piece of male meat ordered a protection detail for me and the kids, I alsohave the police keeping an eye out for me. I’m fine, I just needed to let you know to be careful, and that no matter what you think, Hunter is and always will be the one to make you happy. I’m so happy for you hun.” Happy tears brim in her eyes, and I know now why she told me, she’s scared I am going to do a Lottie and push Hunter away out of fear of my past.

  I squeeze her hand in response.“I get why you did it, really I do, but Hunter cannot keep things like this from me. The last time he kept something from me it turned out to be his ex-wife, so to say I’m pissed at him is an understatement, even if his reasoningwas to protect me.”

  I shake my head, and close my eyes, counting to ten to calm myself down. I am well and truly pissed off, it’s not that hard to tell me my friend is being threatened by my ex, who kidnapped me, or even to get someone to bring her over to me if it’s such a big deal that I didn’t go running to her house. I mean really, I’m watched twenty four seven at the moment, Dan wouldn’t stand a bloody chance.

  He should have spoken to me, I knew Dan had previously tried to threaten Diane, but to go to these lengths and not have anyone tell me is a piss take. He should haveexplained the situation. He had no right keeping this to himself. I love him, I really do, but if he is going to keep hiding big things from me, even if he is doing it to look out for me, then I’m not so sure I can be with him. It will kill me to walk away, but what choice do I have?

  God I could do with a drink, but of course I drove here, and me being the biggest lightweight ever means a single glass of wine and I will more than likely be legless and unable to operate my car.

  “Don’t be too hard on him, he is scared something will happen to you, it’s just his way of keeping you safe.” My eyes find Diane’s as she tells me this.

  “I get that, but it’s not his decision to make. I have a right to know these things.”

  Diane pushes her chair back,“Yep, you do have a right to know, and you obviously need to discuss this with him… rationally though… and I also need a wee, so can you order me the lasagne with a side salad and I will be right back.”

  Without waiting for me to answer, Diane makes her way to the restrooms.

  I’m sat contemplating how to discuss the issue at hand with Hunter, when the one female voice that could make my blood run cold interrupts my musings.

  “Well, well, well, if it isn’t the little slapper my husband has himself shacked up with?” I roll my eyes, and attempt to act nonchalant. Inwardly, my heart feels as though it is about to burst from my chest.

  “I couldn’t help but overhear that Hunter has been keeping secrets from you. You do realise that will never end don’t you? Why do you think our marriage fell apart?” No way, she cannot be implying that their marriage broke up from his lies, she can’t, surely.

  Spinning to the side on my chair, I take in her vivid red hair, porcelain skin and bright green eyes. I can’t help but look at her feet, diamanté stilettos, that are really quite tacky for someone so‘classy’ as she sees herself. I know they are the‘in thing’ at the moment, but to me they look cheap and nasty. Don’t get me wrong, I love pink diamantes, I just think they lose their cuteness when you cover your whole feet in them. Pair them with the pink and white maxi dres
s she has thrown on, and the woman looks like a giant bit of candyfloss, although the hair clashes with the outfit, in which case I’d say she looks more like a clown.“Really, and you think you can talk to me like shit when you look like that, and you were the one having sex with other men, and Hunter’s own uncle. Now do me a favour and get lost, I have nothing to say to a gold digging whore such as yourself.” I say it all in the sweetest possible tone, finding it hard to stamp down on the anger that is threatening to explode. God I hate this bitch.

  Watching Ashley’s nostrils flare, and her face flaming so red it matches her hair, gives me immense satisfaction in knowing I have hit the target and pissed her off with my words. Of course, life could never be so simple as she just leaves without another word though.

  “How dare you, the woman sleeping with a married man, judge me.I come from money, and have a right to take what is rightfully mine. And pay up he will, I’m the wife he has ditched and left alone without support whilst he is out sleeping with other women and throwing his money at them. And I don’t know why you are sitting there sneering at what I am wearing, my husband bought this outfit for me about a week in to meeting you, I wondered why he was being so generous all of a sudden, guilty conscience. Keep an eye on that, if he starts buying you extravagant gifts, then you can bet he is sleeping with another woman.” The words come out on a smirk.

  “Why are you even here? Are you that desperate to be near a man that doesn’t want or love you? Do yourself a favour and sign the papers, you were stupid enough to try and screw Hunter over for your own selfish gain, and karma came and bit you in the ass, this is all your own doing. Now if you don’t mind, I’m having lunch with a friend before I go back to my man, and fuck his brains out.” I offer up the sweetest smile I can, hoping she just walks away. The woman is a nut job, and I’ve got enough on my plate without worrying about her.