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TRAPPED (Breaking Free Book 2) Page 18

  She has to be lying about the clothes, Hunter got rid of her before he met me, no way would he be buying his soon to be ex-wife presents after catching her in bed with another man.

  I watch in amazement as she starts to lower herself in to Diane’s seat,“Is everything okay here?” I glance over at Tony, who is standing beside Ashley, with his hand on her shoulder and glaring at her in such a way it sends shivers down my spine.

  “Er, Ashley was just leaving, isn’t that right?” My eyes don’t leave Tony’s face, myself wondering why he is always so hard in everything he does.

  Diane’s chair scrapes back, and Ashley straightens up, brushing down her dress and fixing a sneer on me,“whatever, just remember I’ll always be the first Mrs Jacobson, anddon’t forget all those secrets he likes to keep.” And she turns and stalks off to a table with a couple of older, equally as snooty women sat on the far side of the restaurant.

  “All good?” Tony looks to me.

  “Yeah I’m fine.” He nods, turns on his heel and walks away without another word, pulling out his mobile and walking away.

  Great, no doubt he is going to call Hunter, and the overprotective arse is going to be blowing up my phone.

  I don’t believe a word Ashley said, I know she has picked upon what Diane and I were saying and twisted it to her advantage, but then it also happens to be my biggest worry and insecurity with Hunter, I know he didn’t tell me things to protect me, but how many more things are there.

  I shake off all thoughts Ashley and Hunter as Diane approaches the table, opting to enjoy my food, my time with my friend, pick my daughter up and head home to my man. We have some talking to do.



  “Are you kidding me?” How on earth was Ash even able to get close to Connie? If she was able to then Dan could have too.

  “No sir, your wife took advantage of,”

  “She is never to be called my wife.” I bellow out, cutting Tony off.

  “Sorry sir,” he replies,“she took advantage of Connie’s friend leaving the table for a moment, and caused a scene.”

  That bitch, can she not just leave us alone, she has caused enough problems, without making things worse.

  “Where did this happen and who was Connie with?” I knew she was busy this morning, but I didn’t realise she was meeting a friend, but then I have been kind of distracted with these divorce papers and Ashley’s demands for money.

  The line is silent for a moment, and I can tell I am not going to like what Tonyis about to say, he is hesitant to tell me.“She met Diane at Arabella’s for brunch, and Ashley saw a brief window of opportunity to talk to Connie and took it.”

  Fuck, just what I need. She is going to ask why I didn’t tell her about Dan continuously threatening Diane, the shits about to hit the fan, I should have been informed of this the second Tony knew who she was meeting.

  “And you didn’t fancy picking up a phone and informing as to who Connie was meeting, or getting to Connie’s side the second Ash stepped in? What if that had been Dan, would it have taken you that long to get to her?”

  I’m furious, Ashley should never have even made it to her table. As for the Diane situation, well I have just got to hope Connie understands why I did it, her safety is my number one priority, and I am not risking that over her having the hump with me.

  “I know, and I can only apologise. I didn’t recognise Ashley at the time, and stupidly assumed it was one of their friends. It won’t happen again.” He sounds apologetic enough, still doesn’t help calm me down though, I am majorly pissed off and can’t help but wonder what that bitch said to Connie now.

  I grunt down the line,“It better not happen again, I want Connie watched closely, and any situation quashed before it even has a chance to develop, understand?” I sound like a dick, but Connie’s safety is not something I will compromise on, Tonyand the team are being paid to do a job, if they aren’t doing it properly then I will have to find someone else.

  “Of course, and I apologise again.”

  I cut the call off and pace the office at my gym down the road, contemplating calling Connie, but wanting to give her some space to spend time with her friend. I need to know she is okay, not just physically, I can only imagine the nasty crap my ex has been spewing.

  The papers have been signed, I’m just awaiting confirmation from my lawyer that I am a free man. With the evidence I had on Ash, she didn’t have a case to fight and had no choice but to walk away.

  My phone sits on the desk, urging me to pick it up and call Connie, but I choose the cowards way and send her a simple text message instead:

  Call me when you get this, or meet me at home after you pick Lily up please baby. I heard you had a run in with Ashley and want to make sure you are okay. Love you xx

  The phone sits on my desk, not a sound emitting from it, and worrying me further the longer Connie goes without replying, I know she is probably pissed at me, and now I’m worrying at just how pissed.

  Looking to the clock on the wall I see it is almost time for Connie to pick Lily up, so I make the decision to meet her at the school, and garner just what kind of mood she is in. I can’t talk to her about this there, but I just need to see her and know everything is going to be okay, I am going out of my mind with worry.

  A knock on the door startles me, and I drop my keys on the floor with a curse leaving my mouth.“Come in.” I shout, sounding somewhat irritated.

  The newest member of my team, Scott, comes walking in, carrying several new gym memberships in his hands. He offers me an apologetic smile, and I can’t help but groan, knowing he is going to want me to sign these off.

  “Scott there are plenty of floor managers that can assist you with the paperwork, I have somewhere to be.” I collect my phone and stalk around the desk and to the open door.

  “I was told to ask you if you could help me, all of the other staff are busy doing inductions, and taking on one to ones.” His voice is hesitant, and I feel sorry for the kid, they are fobbing him off and treating him like a pushover.

  He needs to grow a backbone and stand up for himself if he is to be able to make it in this environment. It’s hectic, we are rushed off our feet and there is always something more important that someone needs you to do, but he has to put his foot down and insist they help him learn the ropes.“Mate, I know this is all new to you, but they are there to train you. This isn’t my only gym, and I do have other commitments. If the staff are refusing to help you then you put your foot down or they will walk all over you.” I ruffle his hair as I walk past him, he is just a kid, a good one at that and one I know will be a hard worker, he just needs to be more assertive.

  “Okay,” he nods, a determined glint forming in his eye,“thank you, I’ll ask the staff that are on a break to help me once they have finished, and I won’t back off until someone does.”

  “That’s the way it’s gotta be kid, they will have more respect for you putting your foot down, then they will if you tuck your tail between your legs and scurry off. Any probs, my number is behind reception, call me and I’ll sort it.” He needs to at least try himself first though, this could be the staff’s way of testing him, seeing how well he will fare working here. If they still refuse to play ball, then I will step in and make them. They were all young once after all.

  Approachingreception, I turn and take in the three staff members sat chatting and typing away on computers, with zero enthusiasm, and clearly only doing so to look busy.“Are my members going to be on the system by the end of the day?” Their heads all snap to me, a reddish tint sitting on all of their cheek bones from getting caught.

  They all stutter, and sit up straight, immediately giving me confirmation that they will in fact do their jobs.

  “Stop giving them a hard time, they are playing with the new kid. You know as well as I do that they will have this gym running as best it can, regardless of having him chasing his tail.” I knew it, I bite back on the smile
trying to make its way to my lips, and raise my eyebrow questioningly at an old friend of mine, and one of our longest standing members.

  “You in on this too?” I already know the answer, but ask anyway. The kid will soon realise this fool is always around and up for practical jokes.

  “Maybe, we wanted to see how long he would go round in circles asking for help. We even have a bet going..Want to wager?” He gives me a devious grin, he really is a sly old fox. For a thirty one year old man, with a wife and three kids, and his own business, you would think he would be a respectable business man, but oh no, you have to watch your back around this five foot seven, dwarf of a man prankster.

  “Yeah, I bet five hundred that the kid demands someone helps him in the next thirty minutes.” He stares at me thoughtfully, and I try my hardest to remain blank to him, I can’t give away that I have spoken to the kid already.

  “Hmmm,” I look to my watch, appearing bored, when inside I am laughing my arse off,“done.” We shake hands and I turn on my heel, shouting over my shoulder as I go,“I’ll expect a check on my desk by the time I get back, the kid has caught on to your game.” I walk out the doors hearing Tony the prankster cursing behind me. He doesn’t give a crap about the money, he just cares about saving face.

  He would have had poor Scott running from staff member to staff member, getting no help and panicking about not having his job done all day, before eventually cutting the kid some slack. More fool him, one nil to me.

  Reaching the school gates, I spot Connie’s parked car with her sat in the driver’s seat, and Tony’s behind it.

  The looks she is receiving from some of the women at those gates is one of pure envy, I would say it was over the car, but my girl is some seriousness hotness, and I can guarantee some of these women hate her just for being good looking.

  I pull my car in to the car park of the pub opposite the school, making a quick detour to the bar and throwing the landlady a twenty pound note to stop her trying to give me a ticket for using her grounds and not purchasing a drink. She snatches the note and tells me to make it quick, muttering beneath her breath about parents of the school taking advantage and leaving her customers with nowhere to park. I very nearly tell her to give me the money back and I’ll buy a cheap glass of orange juice instead, but I refrain, the woman is a jobs worth and I cannot be bothered to get in a row with her over it. You could park about twenty cars out the back, the pub is dead.

  The women at the school eye fuck me as I cross the road, coming round the back of Connie’s vehicle and chin nod to Tony. The frowns and glares they were throwing Connie are not sweet and flirty smiles offered to me instead. I could gag with the state of half of them, as if I’m going to be interested in them when I have her.

  I think I am about to give them another reason to hate her.




  Holy crap. I jump out of my skin, as a knuckle knocks on my window. I was purposely looking everywhere and anywhere except the school gates, so as to avoid the vicious glares some of the Mums were giving me.

  I watch in awe, as Hunter’s hot and toned body lowers itself down till he is facing my level, gesturing for me to open the window. My eyes make the mistake of looking at the women at the gates briefly, and I cringe when I spot the looks of pure hatred being thrown at me. It’s always the same group, anyone would think I was up on a murder charge with the looks they give me. Pure malice.

  “Forget it.” His words come through the closed window, and I unlock the passenger door and watch him walk around the car and seat himself next to me.

  “What are you doing here?” My words come out harsh and rude, mainly from shock than me not wanting him here.

  His hand slips to the back of my head and he pulls my face to the centre of the car between us and his lips meet mine, slipping his tongue in and giving me a gentle loving kiss.“I was finished at work and wanted to surprise you, have I told you how much I love you today?”

  “Mmm,” is my response, my lips already missing the feel of his on mine.

  “I’m sorry that Ash was able to get near you baby.” His words break me out of my lust filled stupor, immediately bringing me back to being pissed off for his secret keeping.

  I know now is not the most appropriate time, but I snap back anyway, needing a damn good explanation.“I couldn’t care less about her, she’s an ex for a reason, what I care about is you keeping things from me, things I have every right to know and should have been informed of as soon as they happened.”

  Hunter’s hands come up to his face, and he rubs them up and down for a second before turning to me and becoming serious again, I bet the Mum’s at the gate are loving this.“Connie if I would have told you what your ex was doing, you would have run straight in to his waiting arms, he would have had the best opportunity to take you again, and fuck knows if I could have got you back a second time. I am not and never will take a chance with your safety. When this had all dies down, of course I would have told you what went on, it was just at the time the threat was very much still out there and waiting for his chance to grab you. What would you have done if the tables were turned and it was me?” I mull over his words, knowing he is right, if there was a serious threat to Hunter and I knew there was a chance he would out himself to that threat then I would keep it from him also. I just wish he would sit down and explain all this t me, not just keep me in the dark.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but I’m not sorry for trying to keep you safe.”

  I surprise him with a kiss, plunging my tongue in and dominating his mouth. It doesn’t take long for him to take over, setting a faster, more urgent pace between us. I hum in the back of my throat, my core coming to life and fire spreading throughout my limbs, needing Hunter to take me now.

  He pulls back, his breathing rapid, matching mine. I grumble in protest, and lean forward, wanting his lips back on mine.“The gates are opening.” What? What is he talking about? I ignore it and go back again for more, but he pulls further back,“The gates Connie, the children are coming out.” I blink rapidly, his words sinking in and offering the desired effect like a bucket of cold water to my libido.

  “Shit.” I screech, and grab my bag and keys, ready to jump out of the car. Hunter remains unmoving, and I turn to him on a frown, about to ask why he isn’t getting out.“I’ll meet you in there, I’m not in a position to b walking thorughthe school rounds at the mo.” He gestures to his lap, where his very big, and ever so present hard on is fit to burst through his suit trousers.

  A giggle escapes from my lips, which soon turns in to full on fits of laughter, leaving me struggling for breath.“Oh my god. Trust you.”

  His eyebrow raises at me,“trust me? I’ll think you will find it was you who made this predicament occur.” I snort, knowing he is right and throw him the keys, wincing as they bounce on his cock.“Oops, sorry.”

  I turn on my heel, shutting the car door and skipping off before he can lay in to me. That must have hurt. I can hear him cursing from the car, and laugh as I make my way to my little ladies classroom.

  Waiting behind several other parents collecting their child, I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I slowly pull it out, hoping it is not Hunter having a go at me for hitting his man parts. I open the message, and laugh aloud at the words, garnering looks from the people around me;

  You evil wench, you’ll be sorry when my parts don’t work later and we can’t practise at making babies. You can kiss it better tonight! I’m walking like a bloody prat.

  I turn in time to see Hunter walking with a slight limp towards me, thankfully an amused look on his face. He reaches me and places his arms around my shoulders,“how are we supposed to make babies if you break my manhood?”

  What? He wants to make babies? No, we can’t, it’s too soon. I don’t even know if I want any more babies.

  The thought of when my last period was flits through my mind, making me realise that I am mo
st definitely late, but putting it down to the fact of stress and what my body has been through. There is no way I could be pregnant. It’s not possible.

  “Hey Mummy.” Lily throws her arms around my legs, and Hunter releases me, giving me the opportunity to bend down and pick my girl up.

  “How was school beautiful?”

  Her face becomes all serious,“Alice pushed Toni, but Toni was playing with me, she wasn’t trying to take Alice’s toys. So I told her to go away and we went and found Alex.” She does make me laugh, so dramatic.

  “Ah, you saw Alex today? Did you play in his playground?”

  Her head nods at my words,“Yep, he wanted us to play Apple Zombie game, but I said no, it’s too scary, so we played Mummy’s and Daddy’s and he had to do as I said.” Hunter and I laugh, my girl is more like a teenager than a three year old.

  An arm around my shoulder makes Lily and I look at Hunter.“Who fancies an ice cream?” Stupid bloody question, of course Lily is going to want one.

  “Meeee.” She screeches out.

  Lily wiggles out of my arms, shouting‘race ya’ to Hunter, and leaving me to hope we are hitting McDonald’s, I could really munch on a double cheeseburger right about now.



  The kids are tucked up in bed, and Hunter and I are cuddled up on the sofa watching some reality tvprogramme, it’s a load of crap if you ask me, but Hunter seems to be enjoying it. I instead place my focus on him, taking in his good looks, and losing myself in ocean blue eyes.