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TRAPPED (Breaking Free Book 2) Page 21

  A lightbulb moment occurs, causing me to enter the elevator and gesture to Ryan that I won't be a sec. If she didn't have Alex and Lily with her, then they must still be in bed, and I know she wouldn't leave them alone, which means somebody is watching them and may know what the hell is going on.

  The doors open in to my apartment, my ears perk up hearing the sound of the television down the hall. Spotting Lottie sat on the sofa with her legs tucked under her, I stalk towards her, not stopping until I am mere millimetres from where she is situated. "Where is she?" I sound like a rude twat, but right now I couldn't care less.

  Lottie's face flushes with the reality that Connie has been found out. It becomes clear she is attempting to buy time and think of a story when she picks up her phone several times and begins stuttering over every word that leaves her mouth.

  I abruptly cut her off, "I don't want lies Lottie, I want to know where she is and where she is now! It's too fucking dangerous to be out there alone." The words come out in a deep growl, anger evident.

  Her eyes look everywhere and anywhere but at me; "She's not alone, she has the security detail you put on her." I can't help but stare at her in astonishment, she knows full well what Dan is capable of, and still she allowed her to just walk out the door, she jumps to the defensive upon lifting her head and taking in my expression of pure and utter disbelief, "Look, she's not a baby, she had stuff to do and so here I am helping my best friend out. She's not stupid and you have her being watched twenty four seven anyway. I don't get what the big damn deal is."

  I don't give her the chance to drop her eyes again, my voice is raised, and quite volatile, but the shock of all of this is too much for me to remain calm, "she left without telling anybody, EXCEPT YOU. Which means she is alone and nobody knows where she is, EXCEPT YOU. Now tell me where my girl is before I fucking lose it, I will not have her taking any stupid risks with her life." Lottie's face drains of colour and she worries her lip. "I didn't know, she told me she would be safe." Her words are a whisper and I'm beginning to lose my patience.

  "Where is she?" I ask again.

  "Er, oh. She went to find a chemist, I think she wanted to know if you were going to be parents and surprise you." There's more, that much is obvious, Connie wouldn't sneak out to do that. Lottie knows that too, she's dodging looking at me in every way she can. "Listen, I didn't know she was alone, but she was acting shifty. She said she wouldn't be long, can't you trace her with her phone." I didn't think of that, I can't ever think straight when it comes to my girl, she throws me for a fucking loop.

  Spinning on my heel, I dial Harry, needing him to track her down before anyone else has the opportunity to do so. "Please call me, the second you find her." I turn and nod briefly at Lottie, before entering the elevator and going about tracking Connie down.

  Twenty five minutes later we have a location. Harry is reluctant to inform me as to where she has gone, but finally cracks when I begin ranting at the bastard. His words though cause me to almost snap a tooth with the grinding pressure I have on my jaw, the girl is insufferable, has no concept of keeping herself or possibly our baby safe. "She is at Anthony Delareesa's house. The family friend."

  My mind reels at the possibilty of her doing something so downright foolish, what the fucking hell is she playing at? It's as if she wants her ex to get his hands on her.

  Calling in Harry and some of my team, I have them start making their way to Connie's location. Even if she is safe and with someone she trusts, I cannot take that risk.

  My fist connects with my car door, leaving a dent in the metalwork and a nasty throb in my hand. It's a welcome distraction though.

  I'm about ten minutes away from getting to her, when she finally answers the phone, sounding incredibly sheepish. And so she should be, I'm going out of my mind with worry. “Hello.”

  “Where the fuck are you? I come home to Lottie sat on our sofa, Ryan informing me your car was taken, and you nowhere in sight, so where are you?” The sound of her voice easing some of my concerns, but not nearly enough to calm me down, not until I am holding her.

  “I popped to the shops, I won’t be long.” Seriously, does she think I'm stupid?

  "Oh really, that’s not what your GPS is saying!” I bark back.

  “Are you kidding me?”

  “No, I’m fucking not! I told you your phone would be tracked, we can’t be taking any chances.” I attempt to calm myself, but fail miserably. After everything she has been through, and the measures I am going to keep her safe, I cannot believe she would jump to the defensive. “Stay put, I’m already on my way, you and me are having a talk as soon as I get there.” I hang up, not wanting to say something in the heat of the moment that I will regret.

  Applying slightly more pressure to the accelerator, I do my best to drop some of the anger I am feeling. It's not directed at Connie per se, as she doesn't have to explain to me where and when she is going, but it is directed at the fact that she has a psycho, unstable, fucknut of an ex after her, she could be carrying our baby and she just swans away as if she is going on a shopping spree with the girls. Until Dan is caught she needs to take more precautians and have her detail make sure she is safe.

  The phone ringing brings me back to reality, and I sigh in exasperation ready for Connie to give me some excuse or tell me she is on her way home. She can bloody well stay put, it's not safe out there for her.

  Those few words she whispers urgently at me have me bolting up straight in my seat, and not just touching the accelerator marginally, but flooring the fucker and running every read red light on my way to where she is.

  Fuck, I knew it! Why the fuck didn't she just stay put, or have someone escort her. FUCK!!! I'm gonna kill him, ring his neck with my bare hands. Who the fuck does he think he is? Connie is mine now.

  I punch Harry's mobile number in to my work phone, filling him in and making sure he has every fucker he knows at that house and ready to take this bastard down.

  Hearing her cry out is gut wrenching, sheer agony at hearing what he is putting her through but unable to stop him.

  The car makes it to the house before I can even comprehend how I got here so fast. My jaw is locked from grinding my teeth, my fists are white from the grip on the steering wheel, and I have tunnel vision, my only focus being the house before me and the fucker with his hands on my girl inside.

  The front door is battered, something was rammed in to it in a hurry. My foot connects at the point just above where the damage was previously done, and it comes crashing open. My eyes immediately swing to the mans body on the floor, recognising him as Anthony, but not pausing to check he is okay, I can see him breathing and that's good enough for me.

  "What the fuck?" Comes a voice from the side of me.

  I see red, my girl cowering in a ball, sobbing hysterically, and that fucktard Dan looming over, fist raised above her head.

  Our eyes connect, and we both charge one another, one thought only on my mind, putting an end to this once and for all. "She's mine! You can't have her!" Is being screamed over and over at me as we tumble to the floor, myself being in the advantage of being on top, and able to put my bodyweight behind every punch I throw.

  Dan bucks and catches me off guard briefly, allowing him the opportunity to connect a right hook to my cheek, stunning me. My fist flies downwards, a reaction to being hit, but not one I am conscious of until I shake off the punch he threw at me and see him spit blood.

  The second I see blood I don't stop, this bastard tried to take my girl, not once but twice. He has threatened the life of possibly my baby, and the love of my fucking life! I cannot allow him the opportunity to walk away, I cannot have him come back for my family again.

  The bastard screeches as my fists fly at him, attempting to cover his face with one hand and swing blindly with the other. I don't even stop when bones crunch and he lies unmoving below me, one thought only going through my mind, that being this has to end now!

  "Hunter." My voice is called
repeatedly, but I ignore it, uncaring of what will happen to me once this is over, as long as Connie is safe, then that is all I care about.

  I'm thrown off of Dan and restrained, but the red haze clouding my judgement doesn't allow me to give up, it keeps me fighting, making me angrier the longer I am being kept from ending the threat to my family.

  "Hunter, please Hunter." Her voice pierces through my fury, my body resigning and going dead weight. My legs drop, and I pull Connie in to my arms as she drops before me also.

  "Baby, I'm so sorry! I'm so so sorry." The adrenaline flees, and tears pool in my eyes. I couldn't care less that I am crying, I am just so relieved to have my girl in my arms, and have the fucker finally caught.

  Her palm rests against my cheek, forcing my eyes to lift and meet hers. I take in the cuts, swelling and bruising to her face and go to move her again, readying myself to finish the job; but she anticipates my move and wraps her arms around me. "I love you, I'm the one who's sorry, I just wanted to put a stop to Dan, and Ant was the only person I could think of to help. I'm sorry Hunter, I never wanted this to happen." She begins sobbing

  in to my neck, and my heart cracks from her distress. I do the only thing I can think of and pull her back, placing my lips on hers and kissing away all of her anxiety.

  Her body softens in to me, giving herself over to my control. "I love you, more than you'll ever know! But don't you ever pull anything so stupid again, if you want to go somewhere then please tell me; if there is ever a threat to your life again, then you will not go anywhere alone! I love you too much to lose you, the thought itself is unbearably painful." She nods, sniffling. "If you so much as think of doing anything this wreckless again, then I wilk take you over my knee and tan that gorgeous arse right where you stand, no matter who you are with or what you are doing. Okay?" I expect a snarky comment; but I can tell the stress of the evening has taken its toll and she is shattered. Again she just nods at me, throwing her arms around my neck and sobbing again.

  "Hunter," I throw daggers at one of Harry's men, pissed that he would disturb me right this second, "We have detained the suspect, and will be taking him for medical treatment before our services are carried out. We advise that yourself and Miss Curtis also seek medical treatment, and await a call about giving a statement. We know now is not an appropriate time, Harry has seen to it that you have tonight to yourselves before we proceed with questioning." The daggers don't receed from my eyes, even with the apologetic look I am receiving.

  A gasp draws my attention away from the jobsworth twat stood before me, and down to my girl in my arms, "What is it baby?" My heart beginning to pound painfully as I watch Connie's face crumble again.

  "That's just it. Baby!" I don't understand, and it must be evident to Connie for she jumps up, unsteady on her feet, and staggers about a bit, "the baby. What if there's a baby? A baby Hunter, what if there is one and he has hurt our baby?" Oh shit, without thinking I jump up, pick my girl up bridal style and march towards the front door, not even paying attention to the unconscious Dan being placed in an ambulance.

  Finding a paramedic, I march straight towards him and demand he get us to the nearest hospital, I am not taking a chance when it comes to my girl! If she is pregnant, then I will do whatever is in my power to keep this baby alive.

  I love Connie, and can only hope that love is enough to make everything okay.



  Three months later:

  “ I love you." Stretching my arms above my head, a contented sigh leaves my lips.

  It's been a week since Dan was sentenced, a week of finally being able to have some peace and move forward with our lives.

  Dan's list of offences was endless, from grand theft auto, kidnapping and ABH, to manslaughter and failing to stop at the scene of an accident, the list goes on and on. The biggest shock, and hardest of all to deal with was the manslaughter of his best friend. We had always thought of it as such a tradgedy, but to know that Dan was the one to kill him, well it just tore me up inside. I had been living with a murderer on top of everything else he was.

  The timing of it all fit perfectly with when Dan became abusive, and as he stood in court and gave me a look that made my blood run cold, he flipped out and started screaming how it was all my fault, I was the cause of him knocking his friend down. Needless to say, that was the point I ran, I left that court room and ran as far as I could before collapsing, feeling Hunter's arms surround me with love and warmth.

  That was the only time I allowed myself to break down, I would not allow that bastard to have an ounce of control over my life anymore. I forced back the tears and marched myself straight back to face him, the man who made mine and my babies lives a living hell!

  Nobody would have guessed that his 'friend' Dean was in on it, on our side. Fat load of good he did though, whilst he was building a case on the murder of Dan's best friend, Dan was out to destroy our lives, something that Dean ' felt awful about' but wasn't a part of his job description, he could only gather evidence and use it against Dan when the time came to take him down. Spineless is what comes to mind! He was more interested in cracking the case for his superiors, than he was making sure our lives were in tact!

  "What are you thinking about baby?" Opening my eyes, I am met with Hunter's baby blues, the look of love and adoration on his handsome face taking my breath away, and chases away all negative thoughts.

  "How much I love you!"

  "Hmmm," His lips find mine, "not as much as I love you." He whispers against them.

  I don't argue with him, knowing I will lose, but also knowing that it is impossible for him to love me more, I love this incredible god of a man more than anything in this world, except of course my kiddies.

  "Come, I have a surprise for you." He pecks me on my lips, pulling me from the bed and dragging me out in to the front room.

  My heart stops upon the sight before me, my Mum and Dad, Hunter's Mum, Harry, Lottie and Diane all sat on the sofa. The bit that stops my heart beating completely though, is my two children, stood side by side carrying hand written signs "Will you make Hunter our Daddy and marry him?"

  A gasp leaves my lips, and my eyes tear up as Hunter drops before me on one knee, taking my left hand in his and looking up at me with so much love it's almost too painful to look at him.

  "Connie, I love you more than life itself, I love our children more than life itself, including the one we are yet to meet. I can't ever picture my life without you in it. We have had our ups and downs, but we have come through it all on top, and everyday that passes I love you a little bit more. You make me the happiest man alive, I wanted to do this sooner, but I wanted you to be mine and only mine! So please baby, do me the honour of being my wife?" His hand holds the most beautiful ring I have ever seen, a gold band filled with diamonds, and one huge feature diamond sat on top. It is magnificent, but not as much as the man before me.

  I turn to my children, already knowing their answer, but wanting their blessing anyway. "Is that what you want?" I ask around the lump that has formed in my throat.

  They don't hesitate to reply, "yes!" They scream. This has been something they have been asking daily. Every morning asking Hunter the same question, "can we call you Daddy?" And every day I respond with, "we shall see," unsure of what to do.

  "Baby, answer me, please?" Hunter is still looking up at me, panicing.

  "Yes, yes of course I'll marry you. I love you!"

  The ring is slipped on to my finger. The second he is on his feet I throw myself at him, kissing him passionately, smiling around his lips at the catcalls from our friends and family.

  The butterflies are going full force in my tummy, and the realisation I am going to be Mrs Jacobson grounds me suddenly. I'm afraid to ask, but I have to know, "What about Ash?" I ask sheepishly, afraid of the answer.

  Silence overcomes the room suddenly, obviously I'm not the only one awaiting this answer. "The divorce was finalised yesterday,
she's no longer a part of our lives." His hands cup my face, "It's always been you, the second you walked in to my life I knew you were it for me. And now we get to be a proper family." His lips touch mine again, but we are jerked apart by Alex and Lily, their faces alight with excitement as they wrap their arms around us both.

  "Well, let's celebrate shall we?" Hunter addresses our mini audience, "Not only am I a Father twice already, but in nearly five short months I shall be a father three times, and I also get to marry the love of my life!"

  I feel ecstatic, I am four months pregnant with our baby, Dan is serving two consecutive life sentences, run side by side, my children have two parents who will give them the world, and I am engaged to my best friend and love of my life. I never, in a million years envisioned my life going this way, but there is not a chance in hell of me giving it up.

  I take the opportunity to tease him, although it is also a worry of mine I haven't voiced. "Guess I need to sign that prenup."

  The room silences again, my own Mother looking to me in shock, her hand suspended mid air with a bottle of champagne in it.

  Hunter's eyes flare, his voice dropping, his gaze pinning me in my place, "there will never be a prenup!" He turns to look at our family, "will you excuse me whilst I take my wife to be and set her straight on a few things, I think she needs some sense knocked in to her." The heat behind his eyes causes me to gasp, the sexual tension building between us to dangerous levels.

  Everyone breaks out in to laughter, my Mother calling after us as Hunter scoops me in to his arms and turns away from them all, "go you horny kids, we will occupy Alex and Lily."

  He gives me a devious grin, stalking towards our bedroom and locking the door behind him, "I've got you now baby, now let's see about tanning that beautiful arse of yours. I believe the only way to rectify your misdemeanour is to bury my cock as deep in that tight pussy of yours as it will go, what do you think Mrs Jacobson?" I'm not Mrs Jacobson yet, but I don't correct him, loving the sound of my soon to be name.