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TRAPPED (Breaking Free Book 2) Page 20

  I’m becoming increasingly nervous the more time passes, and I find myself checking up and down the road, a feeling of being watched passing over me. There are several cars driving about, but none that would cause me to become suspicious.

  Throwing the bags in the boot, I run around to the driver’s side, practically throwing myself in the seat and locking the door behind me, an increasing feeling of unease settling over me. I talk myself in to calming down, telling myself it is nerves and anxiety causing me to panic.

  Taking several deep breaths, I check my mirrors and pull out, wondering how I should go about making my next move. It needs to happen if I am to be at peace from Dan, I’m just scared it’s about to go tits up and backfires.

  Programming the route into my satnav, I attempt to steady my nerves, needing to keep my cool and savvy about me for what I am about to do.

  The roads are pretty clear, and I phone Lottie, getting her voicemail and leaving a message telling her where I am going, what I plan on doing, and telling her she is not to call Hunter unless she doesn’t hear from me within the next hour. That leaves me enough time to get where I need to be, do what needs to be done and hopefully be on my way home, with Hunter none the wiser.

  I still can’t believe I am about to do this, the nerves are skyrocketing, and a lump is forming in my throat, making it become increasingly difficult to swallow. I haven’t been here for years, but I know if anyone can get a handle on Dan it should be him. He tried to put Dan’s Dad on the straight and narrow, but it was too late for him, and it resulted in his Dad going out drunk one night, getting caught up in a bar fight and ultimately not returning home.

  I toe the accelerator, desperate to get this over and done with. I haven’t seen the man in years, and I can only hope he still lives there, and actually still gives a shit. He always told me if I were to have any problems, or Dan went down his Father’s route that I was to call him and he would sort him out, Dan always had a fear of letting him down, so he is my last hope before things get messy and somebody gets seriously hurt.

  Pulling the car on to his road, I take note of the row of cute bungalows, all belonging to families or elderly people, and all well cared for. The road was always quiet, everybody knowing everyone’s business, but also being there for one another in any way they could.

  My heart pounds and sweat drips down my back, the urge to turn this car around and flee is so strong I have to white knuckle grip the steering wheel.

  Parking the car on his driveway, I suck in several deep breaths, drawing the oxygen down to my lungs as a way to stop the shakes and sick feeling creeping up on me again. I throw the car door open, standing on shaky legs and gathering courage.

  I can do this, I have nothing to be afraid of, this man is the complete opposite of Dan in every way, and if someone can rein Dan in, it’s him.

  I hear a car slow as it passes me, but choose not to turn around, fearful that Hunter has tracked me down. I need to get in and out, as fast as I can.

  Raising my hand to knock on his door, I hear shuffling coming from inside, and know he has already seen me, the man has a serious case of paranoia, whatever happened to him in the army changed him completely and made him jumpy and on edge about who could track him down.

  The door swings open, and stood before me is Dan’s Uncle, well, his Father’s best friend, who he classes as his Uncle. I take in his appearance, with the exception of a few grey hairs, the man hasn’t changed a bit, he is still a monster of a man, over six and a half foot tall, a wall of muscle, and has one of the hardest faces you will come across. His personality though couldn’t be any more different, he is the biggest softy, wouldn’t hurt a fly unless he had a reason to, and is also as gay as they come. Most people cringe and walk the other way upon seeing him, not realising just how sweet this man can be.

  “Connie, oh my god sweetheart, is that you?” His face breaks out in to a grin and he opens his arms to me, wrapping them around me.

  I rest my head on his shoulder, all nerves fleeing upon receiving this reaction from him.

  “Ant, it’s so good to see you.” My voice trembles slightly, and he pulls me in to the hallway, eyeing the road before closing the door behind us.

  “What’s wrong?” He is all business immediately, picking up on my distress.

  I pause unsure of how to tell him this, he is going to be so ashamed, and angry I didn’t come to him sooner, “It’s Dan, he has completely gone of the rails, I’m fearful for mine and the kid’s lives and I didn’t know who to turn to. He has the police and several forms of security after him and nobody can seem to stop him.” His jaw ticks and he frowns at me, I begin to panic that I have made the wrong choice, he is Dan’s family after all, and I should have realised his loyalties would always be to him.

  Backing up towards the door slowly, his face softens and he grabs my wrist gently. “Start at the beginning, I need to know everything.” I sigh, knowing this is going to take a while, but also knowing this has to be done.

  “Okay,” I offer up on a nod.

  Thirty minutes later, I have rushed through the last few years living with Dan and just how bad things got before I was able to walk away, ending on him kidnapping me from Hunter.

  Ant’s face remained stony as I spoke, not once did he interrupt me, only appearing to get angrier the more I spoke. The second I opened my mouth it all just came rushing out, it felt good to get it off my chest with someone who is completely unbiased.

  I watch as he stands and paces the floor before me, anxious to see how he is going to respond. “Why didn’t you come to me sooner?” How do I answer that?

  I breathe out and tell him how Dan threatened to hurt us should we come near him, how I also didn’t think it was fair to drag him in to my mess and have him disappointed in how Dan has turned out. I can see now I was wrong, but at the time I was so scared to do anything that would upset Dan.

  He crouches before me, face level with mine, “Connie you have nothing to be fearful of anymore, I had a visit from some friends of your new man, and let’s just say I was good friends with one of their fathers in the army.” I frown at his words, wondering when Hunter would have sent someone to see ant, and how they would have even found out he existed. He continues, “I need you to go home to your children and just wait it out, you are the only one to know I will be bringing him down tomorrow. You cannot offer up even a hint to anyone, anyone at all. If Dan gets wind of this at all, the whole thing will be shot to bits and I will have lost my chance to put a stop to this.”

  I’m in shock, I can’t believe Ant has known all along, I’m absolutely gobsmacked.

  “How long have you known?” My voice sounds hollow, and hurt. How many more secrets are people going to keep from me? Am I the only one out of the loop?

  “About a week sweetheart, if I had known sooner I would have put that boy on the straight and narrow, now all I can do is catch up with him, hope I can talk some sense in to him and turn him over to the police.” A resigned look flashes across his face, and I can’t help but feel guilty briefly, if I had come to him in the beginning, then none of this would be happening, but then Dan had me on such a tight leash, I had no choice, or so I thought at the time.

  “I’m sorry.” He shakes his head adamantly at me, “Don’t you dare, this is in no way your fault, I hoped he wouldn’t turn out like his Father, but there is nothing I can do about that now, and neither can you, this was all him.” His words make sense, I just can’t help but remember the times before he turned, before he started with the control and violence, he was so sweet and doted on me in every way, all of that changed almost overnight.

  I shake the thoughts off, knowing Ant is right, this was on Dan, not me.

  He takes my hand, speaking softly to me, “go home, be with your children and this new man of yours. I’ll be having a word to make sure he treats you right, though from what you are saying he sounds like a keeper.” He winks at me, and mock fans himself. “Where can I find a man like that?�

  A giggle escapes my lips, and a smile is pasted on his, the man really is one of the nicest people you could meet, he would make someone very happy.

  My phone rings from my bag, and I dig it out, wincing when I spot Hunter’s face on the screen, his blue eyes piercing me.

  “Hello.” I answer somewhat gingerly, dreading the confrontation.

  “Where the fuck are you? I come home to Lottie sat on our sofa, Ryan informing me your car was taken, and you nowhere in sight, so where are you?” Oh fuck, I’m in for it, why can’t I ever get away with anything. My luck is well and truly shit.

  “I popped to the shops, I won’t be long.” I’m calculating the route in my head, wincing again when I realise I have at least a twenty five minute drive ahead of me.

  Oh really, that’s not what your GPS is saying!” He barks down the line.

  Oh my god, the arse, he surely hasn’t got a tracker on me, no way! I can’t believe he would do that.

  “Are you kidding me?” I screech back.

  “No, I’m fucking not! I told you your phone would be tracked, we can’t be taking any chances.” He sounds sheepish suddenly, but soon gets arsey again. “Stay put, I’m already on my way, you and me are having a talk as soon as I get there.” And he hangs up, no goodbye, just cuts me off.

  “Bollocks.” I whisper to myself.

  “Can’t blame the man.” Ant’s voice behind me makes me jump, I didn’t even realise he had moved. “You shouldn’t be out alone, the man has every right to worry as he has done. And I applaud him for tracking you to keep you safe, you have a good’un there girl.”

  I groan inwardly, knowing he is right, but just wanting to be able to pop out without having my man track me down and come and get me. It’s a move Dan would pull, even if it is for my own good.

  A crash from the porch causes Ant and I to jump, both looking to the other before he puts his finger to his lips, urging me to remain silent. He creeps towards the door, bouncing back as the door flies open and hits him in the forehead.

  My eyes widen as I watch him fall to the floor, lying in a heap unmoving. Fuck, this cannot be happening, and I have no idea where Hunter is.

  I frantically attempt to unlock my phone, entering the password wrong before finally unlocking it. I daren’t look up, I already know who it must be, and I know if I look up I will waste time in alerting Hunter of the situation.

  I drag up his name, pressing the button to call him. It rings several times, before he answers, “I told you to stay put, I’m nearly”

  “Hunter, Hunter shhhh.” I cut him off, he must hear the urgency in my voice, he becomes silent instantly.

  I place the phone beside me, out of sight and turn my attention to the body walking towards me. “Hello babe, ready to come home?” The man is seriously deluded, I have no home with him, and never will do. He appears even worse than before, sporting a full on beard, dirty and ratty, his hair in serious need of a cut and thick with grease. His skin is pale and sunken with bags around his eyes, and he is wearing a filthy pair of jeans and blue polo top a few sizes too big for him. His appearance makes me cringe, he looks like a bum.

  I struggle to come up with a plan of action, my only thought being to keep him calm and not have him do anything rash before Hunter arrives. “Your Uncle, is he okay?” I ask, in an attempt to divert his attention.

  He merely shrugs in response, “How should I know? I’m not here for him, I’m here for you.” His eyes look down to my chest, and I bite back the retort on my tongue, swallowing down the bile rising in my throat.

  My eyes dart around the room, desperate to find an escape and get away from Dan. “Can I just use the toilet? I haven’t been feeling too well.” His eyes flare with anger, forcing me to shrink back in to the seat and shy away. Old habits soon returning.

  His hand flies out and connects with my face before I have a chance to see it, a cry leaving my lips as the pain radiates to the other side, his hits coming so fast I don’t get the chance to react. I curl in to a ball, covering my face as I begin to sob, praying for Hunter to hurry.

  “You stupid cunt, how dare you get knocked up by that prick.”

  My heart rate spikes, black spots invading my vision, more from the panic of what I am about to endure, then the hits I have already taken.

  “Hunter!” I call out, shrinking further in to a ball, as I hear a growl come from Dan’s chest.



  My heart feels fit to burst from my chest with happiness, the possibility of my girl being pregnant making me feel the happiest man alive. I understand her reaction, knowing all too well what she has been through, but also feeling slighted by her response to the possibility of carrying my baby.

  I know she’s scared, and that’s why I’m hoping my actions will prove to her just how serious I am to be with her and how much I want this baby and family of ours.

  Driving to my Mother’s holiday home where she will be staying for the next three months,my excitement rockets at the hope of her saying yes. The girl I love, wearing my name and carrying my baby being the best bloody feeling in the world. I’ve never wanted something so much in my life.

  I drive to my Mother’s, as if I have the hounds of hell at my feet, and throw my car in to park on her driveway, running up the steps to her front door and nearly beating the thing off of its hinges. I’m a bag of fucking nerves, scared Connie will say no to me, and fearful she will walk away, but I need to do this, I need to make her mine, forever.

  “Hunter, what on earth is going” I cut her off, walking in to the hall and turning to her with a pleading expression on my face.“Mum, Can I please have your ring?” She stands in shock, eyebrows raised and mouth agape. I shift on the spot, anxiously awaiting her to give me an answer, hopeful that this time she actually gives it to me.

  Her face breaks out in to a grin, and tears fill her eyes,“Oh my boy, I thought you’d never ask.” She turns on her heels and rushes up the stairs, whilst I stand like a muppet on the rug, attempting to steady my breathing and stop the nerves.

  She rushes back down the stairs after grabbing what I asked for,“I love you, and I am so unbelievably happy for you. I refused to give this to you when you were marrying Ash, it was only ever to be given to the woman who stole your heart, and I can tell this girl has well and truly won it. Be happy and look after her.” Her hands grip mine, holding them tight as she looks in to my eyes.“How can you tell she’s the one?”

  Her eye brow raises in astonishment,“Why else would you be bashing my door down at night, and pacing frantically in my hall. You’re a mess boy, but a good mess.” There’s such a thing as a good mess? She’s right though, I would never have done this for Ash, I only asked for the ring due to thinking she would be the only woman I would ever marry, god am I thankful she told me no. This ring means so much, my Granddad gave it to my Nan on only their forth date, they were so head over heels in love, and remained so all of their lives.

  The ring is dropped in to my hand, and I look to the ring with awe, the small circular band being completely covered the whole way round in more diamonds than I can count, sparkling in the light and drawing you r eye to its beauty.

  It really is magnificent, and must have cost some serious money back then. My granddad always said it was only to be given to the person we loved more than life itself, my Mum never had that with my Dad so it remained hidden, ready to pass to me when I found that special someone, and found her I have.

  “Come over to tea this week please, I want to share this time with you.” A tear drops down her cheek, and I feel guilty for leaving her alone, she must get so lonely. As if she can read my thoughts, she squeezes my hand,“Don’t, I have a good life, I just want to spend some time with my new family.” Her smile is infectious, and I find myself grinning right back.

  “We will be here, promise.” Bending down to kiss her cheek, I whisper my own thanks in to her ear, thanking her for everything she has done for me over
the years, and telling her how much I love her.

  She shoos me away, pushing me towards the front door.“Go, and don’t forget to call me when she says yes.” She tells me on a wink.

  I do as she says, running back to the car and pocketing the ring, waving to her as I peel out of the driveway, eager to make my girl well and truly mine.

  I reach the building and make it to the lobby in record time, feeling the happiest I have ever felt in a forever. Jogging through the lobby, I reach the elevators and punch in the code for my apartment, jumping in place and going on the defensive upon feeling a hand on my shoulder.

  “Sir, Hunter sir, can I speak with you a moment please?"A groan leaves my lips as I turn to see Ryan stood behind me.“Can’t it wait? I have something to do.” I tell him, nerves kicking up at being so close to my girl and asking her this question.

  He looks at me apologetically, and my back immediately goes up,“No sir, I’m sorry it cannot. Connie asked me to check on Lottie’s floor, a possible security threat. I told her to stay put and not move, had security on site made aware and went to check it out. When I arrived back down, her car was leaving the building, and upon checking security footage it was made clear she took it herself. I'm sorry, but she pulled the wool over my eyes." My jaw grinds at what he is telling me, the fury washing over me in waves. How could she be so stupid? Why would she do this knowing the threat to her life? And the possibilty of our baby's life too.

  "Did you have somebody follow her at least?" I ask him, as I pull my phone from my pocket and call Connie's mobile. Of course, it rings to voicemail.

  Ryan's phone begins to bleep before he can respond to me, he holds his finger up in a gesture for me to wait, serving to piss me off further. Fuck, where could she be?

  I absently listen in as I begin wracking my brain with where she could have gone. It doesn't make any sense, she has the kids with her and didn't leave a message to tell me she was going anywhere.