TRAPPED (Breaking Free Book 2) Read online

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  Dan swings his head in my direction as I jump from the window, edging my way towards them. His eyes are shifty, like a trapped animal. This man isn’t right in the head, he has a crazy look about him, a completely unstable man that is now under pressure.“You really gonna shoot me, when I’m holding the one thing you came for? If I go down she goes down with me. Now back the fuck up or I throw her.”

  He’s right, how can I shoot him when the fucker would just dump Connie straight off the building, it may not be overly high, but it’s still enough to do her damage.

  I back up, albeit slowly, awaiting my chance to jump down after him and take him down at ground level.

  He spins and makes his way to the ladder balancing on the edge of the building, barely holding Connie as he goes. My heart is pounding and my throat is constricting at the idea he could drop her or get away.

  I race to the edge, hearing a whizzing sound and look down to see Connie sprawled on the grass with Dan lying next to her, blood seeping from a small wound to his lower leg. I make my way down the ladder, heading straight from my girl and watch as the two men who separated from us earlier emerge from the conservatory and give chase after a running Dan.

  I leave them to catch the fucker and collapse beside Connie, turning her over and checking for life threatening injuries. I listen to check she’s breathing and nearly collapse in relief when I hear her steady breath parting from her lips.

  Connie’s top is ripped, her clothes grubby and spattered with dried blood. Her face has a few cuts and scratches, but other than the blood coating her mouth, I can’t seem to locate any real damage to her face. I know that doesn’t mean a thing though, without getting her stripped of her clothes and fully checked out. I can’t even begin to fathom the possibility of her coming out of this unscathed, going on the history she had with that brute, my mind is reeling with what I will find under those clothes.

  I gently lift her in my arms, my sole focus being my girl, the world has faded around us, and I need to get her away from here, away from this hell hole.

  Stalking through the house, I only pause long enough to tell Harry to get his arse in the car and drive us back to my complex, throwing instructions for him to contact my doctor and have him be there waiting for us when we arrive.

  The fury rolls off of me in waves when I overhear that Dan has managed to escape back in to the vehicle he kidnapped Connie in. How did he manage to evade some of the highest trained MI5 agents? If they don’t track his vehicle down and locate him, I’m looking for himself myself, I will not stop until my girl and her babies’ are safe.

  Connie stirs in my arms, and I vow then and there that that bastard will not get his hands on her again, I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe, and the first chance I get, I’m taking him down.



  Eugh, what now?

  I can hear noises, shuffling sounds, and hushed whispers, but it’s too strenuous for me to even attempt to open my eyes. My body is sore, achy and I’m incredibly tired. What the hell was I doing last night for it to have this effect on my body?

  And just like that it hits me, I’m with Dan… shit…. I need to force myself to wake up and get out of whatever situation I have ended up in this time.

  “Connie baby, you’re safe sweetheart, you’re home now.” No fucking way, surely not, it can’t be him, can it?

  My eyes snap open, my gaze landing directly on to a pair of baby blues that make my heart flutter wildly in my chest. It is him, I’m with Hunter. If it wasn’t for the soreness in my body I’d assume I had dreamed the series of events I have just suffered through.

  I endeavour to lift my head to confirm my surroundings, needing clarification that I am in fact safe and away from Dan. The heaviness and throb that settles to the back of my head makes me flop it back down on a wince.

  Hunter immediately picks up my hand, rubbing small circles on the top of my hand as he talks, it’s then that I notice I have a drip inserted in to the skin.“Gently, you need to take baby steps. You took some nasty knocks to the head, a sprained ankle, bruised ribs and dehydration, hence the drip.” Hunter pauses, chewing the corner of his lower lip, looking unsure all of a sudden and deliberating whether to go on. The nervousness kicks in, and I worry just over what other damage Dan has subjected me to.“I’m so sorry Connie, I should have told you about Ash, but I just never found the right opportunity, and didn’t have the balls to bring it up any other time. I know this isn’t the right time, but I really want the chance to tell you about her and set a few things straight. The whole situation is not as she has falsely led you to believe. If it hadn’t been for her and my reluctance to bring it up then this wouldn’t have happened, you being in this way is all my fault.”

  God, really? Did he really need to remind me of that clusterfuckof a situation right now? As if I’m not hurting enough at present, he has to open another wound. I’m so desperate to know my babies are safe, and now on top of the not knowing, my heart feels as though it has been ripped in two at the reminder of him having a wife.

  I watch Hunter drop my hand and pace beside the bed. The strong, dominant man I have become accustomed to is gone, and is replaced by this completely unsettled, and nervous being instead. Despite everything that has gone on between us, I could never hold him responsible for Dan’s actions. The short amount of time we have spent together, and the feelings I feel for him make it impossible to ever blame him for this.

  My voice comes out hoarse as I answer him and attempt to put him at ease.“This isn’t your fault, you can’t ever take the blame for Dan’s actions. Only he can do that, just like every other time. As for you and your wife, I really don’t have it in me to discuss that mess, so please can we just drop it for a while? My priorities right now are on finding out where my babies are and listening to their little voices. Everything else can wait.”

  A sorrowful look flits briefly across his face, and I inwardly kick myself for seeming harsh, I just don’t have the energy to open up the whole‘us, and him married’ scenario.“Of course, I should have thought of that sooner, the kids are fine though, they will be arriving home tomorrow.”

  He pulls his mobile from his pocket, dialling and placing it on loudspeaker next to my head. I go to lift it as the call connects, but he shakes his head at me, halting me instantly.

  “Hello.” My mum’s voice comes through the phone.

  “Hi Mum, you okay?”

  “Connie, Connie is that you darling?”

  I smile as I reply, hearing my Mum’s voice has an instant soothing effect, no matter how old I may be, I will always feel safe around her.“Yes Mum it’s me. It’s so good to hear your voice, and before you start just know that I am fine, slightly sore but otherwise all functioning.” I know she must be going out of her mind with worry.

  “Oh Connie, oh my darling girl. Are you okay sweetheart? I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to help look for you, Hunter told me it was best to keep the kiddies away and not bring them home just yet. I have been tearing my hair out and harassing that poor man of yours silly.” I sigh, not correcting my mother over the fact that Hunter isn’t my man, he belongs to another woman, but now is not the time to allow that pain to creep back in. I throw him a look instead, one he winces over.

  “Mum I’m fine, I’m not gonnalie, my body is a bit banged up, but I’m okay. I’m safe. You did the best thing staying away with the kids, it wasn’t safe for them to be here.”

  “I know sweetheart, but it doesn’t make it any easier being so far away and knowing that my baby girl had been taken by that brute of a man. It practically killed me putting on a brave face for Alex and Lily. Those darlings have been the only things keeping me together this whole time.” My heart skips a beat at the mention of my children, they are the light in my life and regardless of anything else going on, they will always be enough for me to keep living and smiling. I love them more than life itself.

  My Mum doesn’t give me a chance to respon
d, she interrupts my musings with an admonishment to her tone.“Now you listen to me Connie, I know you are hurting right now, but you give that man of yours a chance. He has explained everything to me, and although I don’t agree with him keeping it from you, I do understand why he did it, and agree that he is the one who will make you happy. He loves you darling and you need to hear him out, don’t shut him out and run, not this time.” My Mum knows me so well, the thought of running hadn’t even occurred to me just yet, but she’s right, it’s what I do, and look what happened the last time I ran. I just can’t deal with all this yet.

  “Mum, I promise, I will hear him out, just not yet. I’m too overwhelmed with everything and I don’t think now is the right time. Can you put Lily and Alex on the line please?” I ask, as a way to distract her and drop the subject.

  “I know it’s not Connie, I just needed to make sure you didn’t throw a good thing away before he had a chance to explain. So long as you promise to at least give him the opportunity then I will give the phone to the kids now, they are bouncing up and down in desperation to speak to you.” I look to Hunter, letting him see that I am willing to talk, just not yet.

  “Yes Mum, I promise.”

  I hear shuffling, followed by my Mum asking my babies to calm down and she will put me on speaker.

  “Mummy, mummy. Are you there Mummy?” They both repeat the same things several times, both speaking at once. Hearing their voices calms me instantly, all other worries and troubles fade and my sole focus is on my two babes.

  “Hello my little monsters. Are you being good for your Grandma?”

  “Yes, yes we are very good.” “Yes, Grandma is buying us an ice-cream later.” “Alexxxstop, I’m talking to Mummy.” “Noo, we are both talking to Mummy Lily.” I laugh at the pair of them, hearing them bicker is such a relief, they are happy and safe and that is all I could ever ask for.

  “Woah woah woah, slow down, one at a time okay. Alex can Lily go first? Then when Lily is done talking its Alex’s turn okay?”

  “Yes Mummy.” They both reply in perfect unison.

  “Mummy, I miss you, when are we going to see you? Do you miss me too Mummy?”

  “Oh my baby girl, of course I miss you, more than you ever know. Do you want Grandma to drop you off tomorrow when you get home, or do you want to stay with her for one more night?” I ask, I don’t care what the plans are surrounding the whole Dan situation, or the fact I am a bloody train wreck with a sprained ankle, and a battered body. If my baby wants to come home then she is coming home. They are first and foremost my main priority. I just need to get myself moved back to Lottie’s apartment, I can’t stay here and I can’t have the kids staying here either.

  “Tomorrow Mummy, I want to come home tomorrow.”

  “Okay princess, tomorrow it is then. Can I speak to Alex now please baby? I love you.”

  “Love you too Mummy.”

  My heart swells with love for her, I cannot wait until I get to kiss and cuddle them again.

  “Hey Mum.”

  Mum, really? Er I think not.

  “Excuse me little man, but I think you’ll find it’sMummy not Mum. Don’t make me come through that phone and tickle you till you get it right.”

  He giggles, and it’s the best bloody sound in the universe.“O-kay Mummeyyy.” He drags the words out.“Are you okay Mummy? Grandma was sad because she missed you, and I miss you too.” My boy is far too perceptive.

  “Yes baby, I’m fine. You and your sister are coming home to Lottie’s tomorrow, and we can have a nice big cuddle and a nice talk. How does that sound?”

  “Okay Mummy, can I go play with my I-pad now?” I can’t help but laugh, my boy and technology.

  “Of course you can. I love you okay. Tell grandma I’ll call her later and I’ll see you both tomorrow.”

  “Bye Mummy. Love you.” I go to reply but he hangs up before I get the chance, sheer desperation to get back to his computer totally evident.

  I feel lighter, more relaxed and at ease again. I get to see my babies tomorrow and the feeling is euphoric, it has been pure torture without them.

  I lie, unmoving, with a small smile on my lips and utter elation flowing through my veins from the love I have for my children.

  I know it’s going to be hard, my ribs are making any small movements agonising, let alone the fact I have a sprained ankle that’s sending shooting pains up and down my leg and several knocks to the head causing dizzy spells, this should be a fucking riot, but I’ll suffer through it for them.

  “Ughum.” My eyes snap to Hunter, and I practically groan from the look on his face. He has an opinion and I’m about to hear it whether I like what he has to say or not.

  “You aren’t going anywhere woman, I’ve just got you back, no fucking way are you leaving me now!” He turns his face away from me and tugs at his hair. I don’t know what he has to be so exasperated about, I’m the one holed up in bed, beaten, and going back to live in my friend’s apartment after having my heart broken.“What condition are you in to move from that bed and look after two young children on your own? You’re not! Lottie has to work, and there is no way you can look after yourself or your children if you can’t even lift your head without wincing in pain. You’re staying here, end of, and we are gonnahave a nice little chat about everything that has gone on, put a few things straight and get back to us!”

  I’m not so sure about that. I feel ridiculously stubborn all of a sudden, yes, I may very well want to hear him out, but now he has barked orders at me I really want to tell him where to shove them. And with regards to him telling me I cannot go back to Lottie’s, who the bloody hell does he think he is?

  “Sorry, but no on all counts. I’m tired, sore and want to go home and rest up for tomorrow, regardless of what you want to tell me.” I shift my eyes to the ceiling, refusing to give him eye contact. I know I’m being petty, but I just cannot help myself, I have been through too much in such a short space of time, and this on top of everything is overkill for me.

  The bed dips beside me, and Hunter’s face hovers over mine, a look of fury aimed directly at me.“Are you for real right now? Na, you know what? Fuck it, say what you want, you can’t get out of that bed without me, and I see no reason for me to help you do such a thing. So sit tight baby, causewe got a lot to hash out.”

  I make the attempt to prove him wrong, and with a sudden burst of energy fuelled by my anger, I throw myself to a seated position, crying out and alternating between gripping my ribs and head. Fuck that hurts.

  “What the fuck are you doing woman? Lie your arse back down on that bed before you hurt yourself.” He pushes me back down, looking concerned and worried all of a sudden.

  “No shit Sherlock, I think I already did.” I grate out.

  “You know what I mean Connie, stop being a smart arse and do as you’re told.” He jumps from the bed once I’m lying down again, and spins away from me, his whole body shaking and heaving several deep breaths in and out. “Fuck, you can be so infuriating. Why can’t you just understand that I am doing what’s best for you? Yes I fucked up, but I had to stand there and watch Dan nearly escape with you thrown over his shoulder, as if you were a sack of fucking potatoes. I didn’t know if you were alive, or seriously fucking injured. Do you have any idea what that was like for me? The pain I felt just watching you lie there and not being able to do a single fucking thing in case he hurt you more. It tore me apart woman. So stop, for the love of god STOP.FIGHTING.ME!”

  I feel ashamed all of a sudden, I had no clue as to what lengths he went to get me back, or what he witnessed when he reached me. I haven’t even thanked him, regardless of what went on between us, he found me, got me away from Dan and took me to safety.

  I swallow back my wounded pride and turn to look at Hunter, taking in hisdishevelled and exhausted looking appearance more closely. He really has been run through the mill over me, and although a big part of his problems are not my fault, the others are.“Thank you, for finding
me, and getting me away. I can’t ever thank you enough for that. No matter what happened between us, you deserve to know how much what you have done means to me.”

  Hunter places himself on the bed beside me, careful not to touch the wire from my drip.“You don’t ever have to thank me. When I realised that bastard had you, god I can’t even begin to describe what I was feeling. I would have killed anyone who stood in my way, I was that incensed.” He pauses for a beat,“I know you don’t want to hear this just yet, but please hear me out anyway. Ashley may be my wife on paper, but she is nothing to me. I was played from day one, taken for a fool by her, and she’s done it again, tried to take the one person I have ever loved and wanted to be with. Don’t let her win Connie, please hear what I have to say before you make your judgement, and if you still want to leave after it all, then I’ll help you move to Lottie’s without a seconds hesitation.”

  I want to hear what he has to say, but I’m too scared of being hurt by it all. And at the end of the day, he’s admitted the worst part of all of this… she’s his wife, I was shacked up with a married man, no matter which way you look at it.



  Thankfully my drip had run empty and started beeping before I had the chance to answer Hunter.

  The thing is, yes I do want to hear him out, but I don’t want to rush straight in to it. I need time to psyche myself up, and I don’t want to say something I don’t mean without thinking on a clear head.

  I love him, of course I do, but what possible reasons could there be for not informing me he was married. Every scenario running through my mind is bad, and if they are half as bad as my imagination is conjuring up, then I quite frankly don’t want to know. I’d rather he let me go, and I could attempt to heal my shattered heart without him around to make it harder.