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TRAPPED (Breaking Free Book 2) Page 19

  “Something I can help you with.” I’m lifted and placed on his lap so I am straddling him, feeling his cock stir to life below me.

  “There certainly is. In fact, I think it wants to come out and play.” His cock is now solid below me, and twitching every time I wriggle on it.

  “I think it needs a kiss to wake it up.” He waggles his eyebrows up and down, and I laugh in response.

  “I’m pretty sure it’s awake already.”

  “Ah, but it needs to be made nice and wet for where it plans to go.” He responds.

  “Uh uh, I don’t think it does, I’m wet enough already for” I’m flipped on my back, with Hunter between my legs and his cock pressing against me, resting on my clit, before I can even finish my words.

  He rubs against me, his actions setting sparks off behind my eye lids.“Well then, let’s see about making my cock just as wet then.”

  He wastes no time, stripping us both naked, and before I can even blink, buries himself to the hilt inside of me.

  A cry leaves my lips, the feeling exquisite. He fills me completely, as if he was made just for me.

  “Baby you feel so good.” I squeeze my inner muscles, urging him to move and a sharp breath of air leaves his lips.“Fuck that feels good.”

  Wiggling my hips beneath him, he growls and begins pumping in to me, hitting that spot inside of me that makes my limbs tremble and fireworks explode throughout my body.

  If he carries on like this I am going to cum, my body is wound up and is chasing the release.“Are you going to cum?” His voice is hoarse, his eyes dark with lust. My climax is building, intensifying.

  I am rendered speechless, the feel of his cock hitting me so hard and so fast on that exact spot, taking over all functions in my body, I can only lay here and take his assault, and await the climax that is bound to tear me apart any minute now.

  “Answer me.” His fingers pinch my nipples, making my back bow and thrust my tits in to his hands.

  His face, burning with passion stares down at me, I can see him losing all control, his orgasm creeping up on him too.

  “Yes, yes!” I shout out.

  I become dizzy, my head spins wildly as my orgasm reaches its peak, ready to make me shatter. My internal muscles grip down on his cock, as fire spreads through my limbs. His movements become jerky and I know we are both there together.

  We both cry out as he pumps in to me, my muscles clamping down on him and milking his orgasm out of him. My limbs tense as he continues three more pumps, pushing my orgasm on and on.

  His head drops to my shoulder, both of us wet with sweat and boneless.“God I love you.” He mumbles against my skin.

  My heart soars every time he utters those words.

  I wrap my arms around him, and squeeze him to me, loving the feel of his body against mine.

  A queasy feeling settles in my tummy, and I attempt to push him away as my mouth waters, knowing I am going to throw up.“What, what is it?” He looks up at me with glazed eyes, his face morphing in to one of concern.

  “Sick,” I spit the words out. He snaps in to action, lifting me into his arms as he removes himself from the sofa, and running down the hall to the bathroom.

  I’m placed in front of the toilet, his hands running though my hair as I start to empty the contents of my stomach. I awkwardly bat my hand in the air, hoping he takes the hint and leaves.

  “Not a chance, I’m going to take care of you.” One hand holds my hair, while the other rubs small circles on my back. I usually hate being touched when I am ill, but Hunter’s touch soothes me, calms me down.

  The heaving eventually stops, the thought again passing through my mind that I could be pregnant, but dismissed again just as fast. I can’t be.

  Spinning around, I take the glass of water Hunter offers me, sipping at it slowly as he stares at me worriedly.“You okay now?” I nod, not brave enough to open my mouth in case it starts again.

  Hunter opens the cabinet above the sink and removes my tooth brush, my eyes flit to the unopened box of tampons sat on the shelf that should have been used up by now. I stare at them, unsure of what to think.

  I turn to give Hunter my attention, deciding to figure it all out in the morning, but Hunter is staring between me and the box of tampons with a frown on his face.“Connie,”

  “Don’t.” I cut him off, already knowing where he is going with this, and absolutely shitting bricks that I could well and truly be pregnant with a man that has only been in my life for five minutes.

  His arms fold across his well-muscled chest, and my mouth waters at the sight before me. God that man turns me on,“When did you last have your period?” His words snap me from my ogling, and I sigh aloud, unsure of what to say. Why me? And why now?

  I snap before I think it through clearly, I’m on the defensive, and was hoping to be wrong.“I’m late, okay? Quite a bit late actually, but that’s fine, because when the body goes through a trauma it can mess your periods up. Now drop it.”

  I’m being an utter bitch, I just don’t want to have this conversation. I don’t want to be pregnant, not yet anyway, if ever.

  Hunter crouches before me, his man hood close to me face as he drops down.“Don’t you think that we should do a test, and know either way?” My eyes snap from his cock to his face, do I think that? Yes, no, oh I don’t know.

  “Hang on, are you going to pee on a stick then, cause the way I see it is, it is me who has to do the test.” Closing my eyes I tell myself to get off the defensive and calm down. This isn’t something I can bury my head over.

  “If we are having a baby we will deal with it, and if we aren’t then that’s fine too. I love you and nothing is ever going to change that. This could be the best thing to happen to us.” I raise my eyebrows at those words, and answer straight back,“The best things to happen to me were my two children, nothing will compare to them, and of course meeting you.” I say the last bit sulkily, my moods are all over the place, another sign.

  “I know that, and this could be another one. Why are you so against the idea? I know we didn’t plan it, but some of the best things never are planned.” He seems so excited at the prospect of a baby, and I know we love each other, it’s just our relationship is such early days and after what I went through with Dan, I’m not too sure I could bring another baby in to this world if there was a chance it could all fuck up.

  Hunter appears to read my reserves in my eyes, without me even saying a word,“I am not him, and never will be. I want this baby, if there is a baby. It’s a part of me and a part of you and I love everything about you. Whatever happens we will work this out, don’t judge me on his actions.”

  My eyes drop to the floor, I feel ashamed of even thinking that, I’m just all over the place.

  My heart beats heavily in my chest as Hunter stands up and walks from the bathroom. I follow him, panicking over his reaction and how he has just walked away from me.

  He goes in to our bedroom and dresses himself, putting on jeans and a t-shirt, with a pair of converse. I grab the bed sheet and wrap it around me, feeling self-conscious over my nudity suddenly.“I won’t be long.” His voice comes out slightly hollow, his eyes holding pain.

  My breathing picks up, and I start to feel sick again, sick that he could be walking away from me.“Where are you going?” My arms reach one of his and I hold on to it.“I won’t be long, I just need some air.” His lips touch my hair line, and I watch him turn and walk from the room, hearing him walk down the hall and entering the elevator.

  No, no no, I could not have chased him away. I’m just so scared, so scared this relationship could break up and I have to find a way to survive with three kids on my own. I love Hunter, but I want us to have some time first.

  Forcing myself to walk and check on Alex and Lily, memories of them as babies assault my mind, their first smiles, first steps, the feel of them in my arms sleeping.

  My hand unconsciously goes to my tummy, resting against the skin and the possible bab
y inside. Could we really have a baby this early on? I know Hunter would make a brilliant father, and would never do what Dan has done. It hits me like a bolt of lightning, our little family, ties together in every way, unconditional love and happiness, and I know then and there that if I am pregnant I can make this work, we can make this work.

  It might be early days, and everyone may think it is too soon, but Hunter can provide for his child, he will love his child, make that children and myself more than any other man could, and I am not going to throw that away. Screw everyone else and their opinions.

  I run down the hall, picking up the phone and calling Lottie, asking her to come up and watch the kids for me.

  I know what I have to do.



  “Anything?” I call out, as I hear Dean walk through the front door.

  He doesn’t reply as he walks in to the front room, looking me up and down and plopping in to the arm chair without responding to me.“Well?” I ask impatiently.

  “Nothing.” He picks up the remote and scrolls through the programmes, ignoring me.

  The bloke has been pissing me off lately, He has been talking down to me, if he even talks at all, and not answering his phone when I have called him.

  I throw the newspaper on to the floor, holding my hand out for the car keys and tapping my foot against the floor.“Why don’t we just give up? She is obviously happy and not causing you any harm. Just let her go and let’s focus on finding some fresh pussy to have fun with.” His words are apprehensive and shaky.

  How dare he tell me to stop chasing Connie?She’s mine, and on some level I know she wants this, we belong together and she knows it. Flying from my chair I grip his shirt collar, pulling him forward till we are almost nose to nose and sneer at him.“Don’t fuck with me. I want her back, and I’m not stopping until I have her. If you don’twant to help then do one and I’ll do this alone.”

  “Mate calm down,” he frantically grabs at my hands,“I didn’t say I wouldn’t help you, I just wanted to make sure you really wanted this, that’s all.” I release him on a growl, throwing him back against the seat.

  Fucker better not mess this up for me.

  I don’t give him the chance to talk anymore, I pick up the car keys and stalk to the front door, ready to start watch again. I’m sick of this cat and mouse shit, I want her back, and I want her back now.

  The car screeches as I pull out of the drive, hitting the accelerator and speeding my way back to where she is staying, the place has so many spots to put the car and keep watch, there is too much cover for this to be a safe place, especially if you are thought to have a security threat.

  Parking up, I pull out a share size bag of crisps and bottle of drink and get comfortable, the second my opportunity comes I am going to take it.

  Hours, days or weeks, it’s all the same to me, I will get Connie back, and Hunter will pay for taking her.



  Rushing around like a headless chicken, I throw on a pair of leggings, jumper and Ugg boots. I grab my handbag, double check I have my phone and check on the kids before answering the door to Lottie and filling her in on my predicament.

  "So what are you gonna do?" I can't tell her my true intentions, if I did that she would lock me in and call Hunter, so I think fast.

  "I'm going to get Hunter and find out if there really is a baby." My heart is beating rapidly, and I try my hardest to act nonchalant. She stares at me for a beat, and it feels as if she is staring deep in to my soul, seeking out my lies.

  She finally nods at me, “Be careful.”

  Smiling, I peck her on the cheek, “I will. See you in a bit.”

  I’m almost at the elevators when she calls my name, “have you got your phone?” I can see her chewing on her lip and wringing her hands together, and I know I haven’t got long before she calls Hunter to see if I am with him. The sooner I can get out of here and get this done the better.

  Hopefully he wont find out until after it’s been done, and hopefully I can give him something to make him happy, a baby.

  “I have, I won’t be long, I need to get this sorted chick, you know that right?"

  I turn on my heel and enter the elevator without waiting for her to speak, the girl can read me so easily, she obviously knows I’m up to something.

  My heart is pounding as I approach the ground floor, if I get caught sneaking out, Hunter is going to hit the roof, I have to do this cleverly.

  Upon reaching the lobby, my heart sinks at the sight of Ryan behind his desk, this isn’t going to be easy, or as quick as I was hoping either.

  “Connie.” He nods and smiles at me as I near him.

  Please work, please work, I repeat like a mantra in my head. “Sorry to be a pain, but can you check Lottie’s floor please? Someone keeps knocking on her door and shouting crude things, but running off before she can open it and confront the person." I have no idea what the hell I am spouting about, just thinking off the top of my head and attempting to get him to leave for a few minutes.

  His eyes snap to the monitors before him and he looks at me questioningly, “Are you sure? Nothing is showing up on here?"

  Fuck, blood whooshes through my ears, and I feel mildly sick again. “yeah, she didn’t want to come down and disturb you, but I thought she should so I kind of took the initiative and did it for her. It could be anyone up there.”

  He frowns at me, sticking his thumb in his mouth and biting his nail, “Okay, I’ll call someone to have a look.”

  “NO!” I shout on impulse, “Er, I mean, it will be so much quicker if you just go and do a quick check, I can wait here or go back up to the apartment. It’s up to you?”

  His eyes do a sweep of the lobby, and he checks his watch before offering up a small nod, “Okay, wait here.”

  Waiting for me to agree, he then turns walk to the elevators, speaking on his radio before entering the lift, keeping his eyes on me as the doors close.

  The second they shut I spin on my heel and make my way down to the car park, rushing through the codes and jumping in to the driver’s seat of my car.

  Ryan is going to be fuming when he realises I played him, but I’m hoping a case or two of beers will help win him round, and keep him quiet.

  The car peels out of the space, the tires screeching as I try to leave in a hurry, fearful I am going to be stopped.

  I spend the next fifteen minutes driving around and looking for an all-night chemist or supermarket, becoming increasingly irritated when I realise I am lost and end up going around in circles.

  This needs to work, if I can buy a test, find out the result and be back before Hunter, then everything will be okay.

  Checking my mirrors, I am relieved to see I don’t have a tail, Hunter would do his nut if he found out about this.

  A small supermarket by the side of the road catches my eye, and I pull in to a loading bay, grabbing my bag and rushing in to the store.

  A young girl looks up from the counter as I walk in, eyeing me up and down before turning her attention to the open magazine in front of her. My heart is pounding so hard that I can almost hear every beat aloud.

  I bypass the fridge and reach the aisle I was hoping they had, finding it fitting that there would be pregnancy tests and nappies side by side. It almost feels like an omen for me.

  I grab one of every test they offer, four boxes in total and take a deep breath. I can do this, this baby will be happy, loved and want for nothing if I am pregnant. It may be early, but Hunter will make a brilliant father. This may sound cheesy, and slightly presumptuous of me, but I know I am going to spend the rest of my life with this man, and us having a baby together is something to celebrate and be happy about, I just need to get over the shock of it and fully accept it.

  With that thought in mind, I place a tight grip on the boxes and start making my way to the till, pausing to turn and look at the nappies, a plan forming in my mind. I grab a p
acket and take them to the tills with me, anxious to get this over and done with and find out if there is to be a new addition. If I’m not, then we already have two beautiful children who are more than enough for me. I’m happy either way.

  “Anything else.” The girl eyes me again, popping her gum and speaking in a manner that suggests she would rather be anywhere else than here.

  “Er, yeah.” I point out a bottle of whisky, and small pack of beers, praying Ryan accepts my bribe.

  She breathes out tiredly, turning to collect what I have asked of her and dumping them on the counter. “That it?” I nod, “Want a bag?” I nod again. “That’ll be thirty nine pound and forty seven pence.” No please, no thank you, she doesn’t even look at me as she says it.

  I pull out my debit card, place it in the machine and enter my pin as the girl begins bagging up my items, giving me a curious look as she bags the tests. I take the opportunity to look at her more closely, wondering if I ever behaved in such a rude and offhanded manner at her age. The girl could be pretty if she didn’t have a constant scowl on her face, shoulder length brown hair, a slim but toned body, and a pretty face, with a small, straight nose and pouty lips, her eyes a striking grey colour.

  She notices me staring and I drop my eyes to the machine holding my card, following the prompt and removing it.

  Pocketing my card, I look up to see her stood with her hands on her hips, unmoving and waiting for me to take my items and leave.

  If she wants to be rude then so can I, I don’t say a word to her as I pick up my bags, placing one in each hand and walking away without so much as another word. I hear a huff come from behind me, and I smirk to myself, maybe if she put a smile on her face, or didn’t act so rude, then she wouldn’t receive the same reaction back, and would probably find people striking up a conversation with her, making her shift go faster.

  I shrug the thought off, and focus on the more pressing matters at hand, getting home before Hunter finds out and finding out if we are to be parents.