TRAPPED (Breaking Free Book 2) Read online

Page 5

  Ash lost the baby, and I was totally and irrevocably heartbroken, no matter how much I didn’t want to be with Ashley I did want that baby. I had allowed the idea of being a Daddy to sink in and I was so excited Connie, so bloody excited. But Ash couldn’t just let it be, she was badgering me to try again for another baby before we had a chance to come to grips with losing this baby. It hurt, but I thought this was her way of dealing with the grief.I on the other hand wanted to grieve for our loss and be there for my wife, as a good husband does. I had one night of weakness after her several attempts to get me to sleep with her, it was so hard, seeing her heartbreak and listening to her cry on my shoulder about feeling rejected after she had just lost our baby, I gave in just that once. Ash though couldn’t wait, it was never about the baby for her, she never cared for the life lost, just that she needed to give birth to my child to receive a good sized chunk of my money. Without a child she walks away with practically nothing.

  I was working away for a few days, but decided to cut my trip short and check in on how she was doing, I may not love the woman, but she did lose my babyand she was my wife, so I had a duty to be there and look after her. Connie I would have never cheated on her, I’m not that way programmed, I don’t believe in cheating for any reason, let alone cheat with a family member of hers. I walked in on her fucking my uncle. She was so desperate to fall pregnant, so eager to get her hands on my money. The second I found out, I kicked her out and filed for divorce. After betraying me and trying to fuck me over as she did, she is trying to take the one bit of happiness in my life away from me, and that’s you baby.”

  I stop abruptly, an ache forming in my chest from the thought alone of being without Connie. After everything we have both been through, we deserve some happiness, and that girl is my ray of sunshine.

  I sit in silence, my heart feeling heavy and a sweat forming on my brow. I’m so fucking nervous she’s gonnawalk, but she had to know everything, I can’t take a chance of hiding anything from her anymore. Fuck, why is she just sitting there staring at me, I need her to say something, anything.

  “Connie baby, please talk to me. I don’t expect you to forgive me, I’m a bastard I know, but please give me another chance.” God I sound like a pussy whipped fool, but do you know what? I am a pussy whipped fool, I’ll say and do whatever is needed to keep my girl. I’m a fighter, and fuck me but I’m not going down without a fight.

  Connie fidgets with her fingers, appearing uncomfortable and on edge, and dragging out my misery.

  “I’m sorry you had to go through thatHunter, but I am utterly disgusted!”

  No, no, no, no, no, I can’t lose her now. My heart thuds to a stop at her words, and the world comes crashing down around me.



  Oh my god, holy fuck, what the effing hell? I honestly did not expect that.

  My god, his wife was pregnant, and she used him. I can’t quite get over it all, I’m completely shell shocked.

  I can only grasp a few clear thoughts, and that is how sick this Ashley bitch is.“I’m sorry you had to go through thatHunter, but I am utterly disgusted!” How could she do that? To use a baby as a means to get money, that poor, poor baby, and poor Hunter. The thought of losing a baby physically hurts, so I can only imagine how it must have felt to him, to become excited and make plans for a new little life, only to have it ripped from him and its memory completely disrespected by the babies’ mother of all people.

  I set my eyes on my man, and I know that without a shadow of doubt that he is mine. I should have listened to him, should have given him the chance to tell me all of this earlier, but I was so stubborn and so hurt that I placed every bit of blame on his shoulders.

  His eyes drop, and he appears completely distraught, as If I’ve reached out and slapped him. And that’s when it hits me, he thinks I’m disgusted with him, not his bitch of an ex but him.

  “What she did was disgusting Hunter, not you, never you. What you did was applaud able, not many men would put themselves in that situation, and go through what you did for an unborn child. I love you, and I am so sorry for ever doubting you. I don’t agree with you not telling me, but I do understand your reasons. You are amazing, and I cannot understand how any woman could choose to screw you over for a bit of cash, I’d take you with or without the money, you’re all I have ever wanted in a man.”

  How could she be so cold and callous? So her plan was to what, leave him, takethe baby and the money? It’s crazy and totally messed up.

  I close my eyes for a second, taking in everything Hunter has told me. The sorrow and pain he must have been suffering, and he didn’t tell me because he was worried he would scare me off. The man amazes me, in his own way he was trying to protect me, and was going through all of this alone. He was there for me, and now it’s my turn to be there for him. He more than deserves it.

  A pair of warm lips pressing against mine jerk me from my reverie, and I open my mouth almost instinctively. It’s so natural being with this man, he’s like the air that I breathe, with him I thrive, without him I suffocate.

  His hands slip in to my hair gently, holding my face to his.

  I slip my tongue between his lips and lose myself in the most tender and loving embrace we have ever shared. My heart skips a beat from the love I have for this selfless, amazing, god of a man.

  There is nobody on this planet that can evoke from me even half of what I feel for this man, nobody can hold a torch to Hunter. He is it for me, totally and irrevocably all I will ever need.

  Shamelessly I lower my hands to the bulge in his trousers, attempting to entice him into soothing the raging inferno at my core.

  His hands cover mine as he pulls his lips from mine marginally, biting my lower lip between his and breathing harshly.

  “No baby, there’s plenty of time for that when you aren’t quite so battered and bruised.”

  Nice, what a wonderful choice of words. Men can be so direct and to the point sometimes!

  At my quirked eyebrow and displeased expression, a flush rises across his cheeks and it becomes abundantly clear to him that I’m just a tad pissed off.

  “I didn’t mean it like that, I, uh, I mean that I don’t want to hurt you anymore than you already are. You are the most beautiful person I know Connie, a few bruises will never change that. God, I can be such a dick sometimes.”

  I giggle as he begins berating himself. I can never stay angry for long, especially when he thinks I am beautiful. He stops suddenly and looks at me in bewilderment,“Are you laughing at me?”

  I giggle again, straining my ribs slightly and wincing from the sharp pain.“You’re the only man that truly makes me happy, and I love that I can laugh freely and feel like I have a shot at life. I love you Hunter, now get your lips back on mine so we can kiss and make up.”

  Hunter doesn’t hesitate, he takes my mouth with urgency, kissing me as if his life depends on it, but frustratingly for me doesn’t take it any further.

  Hunter’s phone ringing forces up to separate, and we both struggle to catch our breaths while gazing in to the others eyes.

  “Hunter.” He barks in to device.

  I turn my attention to my food, and pick half-heartedly at it as he converses with whoever is on the phone. Lottie jumps to the forefront in my mind, and although I hurt all over, I do really need to go down and see my best friend.

  Gently removing myself from the stool, I point towards the front door and mouth the words‘Lottie’s’ to Hunter. He raises an eyebrow in question and shakes his head, mouthing the words‘no’ back at me.

  I don’t think so somehow, I didn’t ask him, I was telling him. Bloody cheek of it, who does he think he is?

  “I’ve got to go. I want those papers signed and sent to me by the end of the day.” He cuts off the call abruptly and stalks towards me, a look of fury plastered on his face.

  “Uh uh, you don’t get to tell me what I can and can’t do. I need to go and see my friend,
and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.” I sound surer of myself than I actually am. If he gave it even half an effort I can think of plenty of ways he could have me doing what he wants… all filthy of course, and he knows it too.

  Hunter stops in front of me, glaring down at me as I glare right back. I will not back down on this.“I wasn’t going to tell you what you can and cannot do, don’t ever put me in the same boat as Dan. I was trying to tell you I will come with you, at least to drop you to the door. What good are you going to be if you get dizzy and collapse in the elevator on the way down?” Oh, well that does make sense, I really didn’t think that far ahead. In my own stubbornness I just wanted to see my friend, regardless of the condition my body is in.

  I try to style it out, and pretend to actually consider what he has told me. I don’t want to give in too easily after all.“Hmm, yeah okay, I suppose that makes sense. Although I don’t quite like the part about you dropping me off. That just won’t do.”

  He stands before me, looking at me in utter disbelief as I fight to keep a straight face.“Are you fucking with me right now… do you really expect me to just…” I cut him off by placing my finger to his lips.

  “No Hunter, I would never expect you to do anything, though I would really like you to come in with me. That’s if you don’t mind of course.”

  I watch a grin form across his devilishly handsome face, and can’t help but join him. Oh that smile, it turns me in to a wanton woman.

  He leans down and offers me a quick peck on the lips,“Give me five minutes and I’ll take you down.”

  I sigh contentedly as he turns and goes about getting ready to come with me. I quickly locate a pair of gold dolly shoes I left here and place them on my feet.

  Life is good, I just pray it stays this way and I have finally found some happiness for me and my children.



  Lottie opens the door dressed in her bath robe, and a rather guilty expression briefly flitting across her pretty face. I look at my friend questioningly, wondering what she has to feel guilty or ashamed about.

  We stand in the hall for several moments, just staring at one another and waiting for the other to speak first. Hunter, thankfully breaks the silence for us,“As lovely as this hallway is, would you mind inviting us in by any chance?”

  Lottie’s face reddens. I watch her peer over her shoulder before nodding and beckoning us in, all without muttering a single word. I want to call her out on it, but I don’t think she would appreciate me doing it in front of Hunter, so I opt to hold my tongue and await a more appropriate time.

  Hunter takes the lead and make his way to her sofas, I follow but am stopped sharply by a hand on my arm. I hiss in a breath, and turn to glower at Lottie. She appears apologetic for a brief moment, but soon seems panicky. I can’t help but wonder what the hell is going on.“Connie I kindamessed up big time. I slept with Harry last night and he’s sort of in my bed sleeping.”

  Okay, well that was not what I was expecting, but I don’t understand the big damn deal. If I’m honest I thought they had already done the dirty, they had been flirting around one another since the second they met.“Right, and that’s a problem because?” I seem truly perplexed, and it’s because I really am.

  She places her hands on her hips and tilts her head at me.“Really? You really don’t understand why it’s a big deal?” I shake my head, awaiting for some form of bomb shell to be dropped.“Well duh, you and Hunter have this thing going on, and Harry is his friend. What if it becomes awkward and we can’t be in the same room together? What if he thinks this is some huge mistake? What if he decides he wants a serious relationship from me, and I fuck it up, or what if he decides he wants a fuck buddy and I fuck it up, or what if he decides…” I cut her off, throwing my hand over her mouth to silence her.

  I never thought I would see the day.“You really like him don’t you? I have never, ever seen you behave like this, with any of your one night stands or relationships. Just chill out okay, until you have actually spoken to him how can youknow what he wants? You need to calm down, this really is not like you at all. Man up and act like the strong, independent woman, who takes no crap that I know you to be.”

  We stand staring at one another, her attempting to suck in several deep breaths, and myself just waiting for her to calm down and see sense. This is a big damn deal for my best friend, she hasn’t ever done the serious relationship route, the idea alone of being tied down to one man tends to freak her out a little, so her acting out like this shows just how bad she has it for Harry.

  Her breaths begin to regulate, and the crazy look becomes absent from her face only to be replaced by one of embarrassment. Hunter sticks his head around the door frame, but soon steps back when he receives a warning frown from me.

  “Can we talk about this properly later, like, maybe when his best friend doesn’t happen to be within earshot? Maybe go for girly drinks and have a natter or something?” Lottie asks somewhat sheepishly. Her actions are the complete opposite of how she has always behaved, it’s actually quite freaky to see her become so submissive and shy.

  I start to protest, unable to see how I can swing going out for drinks when my children are due home later, but the second Lottie’s face drops it becomes abundantly clear that she needs some girl time. I start to come up with a compromise, hoping this solution works.

  “Erm, well I get the kids back later, so I can’t really do the next few days, but I can do lunch?” I ask somewhat hopefully.

  Her face lights up, and she nods eagerly.“Yep sounds good to me. There’s a cute little parade of shops right around the corner from here. We can stop at Summer’s, the food is amazing. Give me half an hour to get ready and I’m all yours.”

  I look down at myself, and huff out a breath of exasperation. I really need to change, but it’s so painful.“Yeah, I need to change too. Is it okay if I go to my room and sort myself out?” I feel silly asking, knowing I have technically moved in here with the kids.

  Lottie frowns at me slightly.“Eryeah, why wouldn’t it be?”

  “I just didn’t want to be in the way of you and Harry. I’m probably stepping all over your toes as it is.”

  She throws her arm around my shoulder and pulls me in gently for a hug.“You’re my best friend, you and my adorable god children will never be in the way. Hoes before bros and all that… seriously though, get your arse back there and sort yourself out, I can’t be seen with seen with a tramp.”

  I slap her arm playfully as she laughs at the horrified expression on my face and jumps back out of reach. The cow certainly knows how to wind me up.“Yeah, you better move you bitch. You know I’ll kick your arse, bruises and all.” She walks away shaking her head and laughing at me.“Oh and Lot’s.” She turns back to me,“It’s bros before hoes, not the other way around.”

  She smirks and wags her finger at me,“Nah uh, you’re definitely my hoe and you will always come before any bro.” I huff out a breath, feeling as though a brick wall to the head would be much appreciated at the moment. The girl’s crazy, and I wouldn’t have her any other way.

  I hear her filling Hunter in on the plan as I walk towards the sitting room, the second I come in to sight he beckons me over, and I go willingly, perching myself on his lap.

  Leaning myself back against his chest, I lose myself in the feel of him as he converses with Lottie. I wiggle a few times, aiming to ease the growing arousal that has begun from sitting on him. Every time I move, the bulge in his trouser gets a little bigger, and I can’t help but feel a small amount of satisfaction from knowing he is just as turned on as I am.“Stop moving, I’m finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate on what your friend is saying to me. I don’t think she’d be too appreciative if I stripped you off and fucked you right here, and I don’t think you’d enjoy it too much with the bruises you are currently sporting.”

  My blood boils, and my core clenches from his words, I’ll never be in too much pain
not to take his cock, and the pleasure far outweighs the pain. Oh the thought alone nearly brings me to orgasm. When did I turn in to such a slut?

  A throat clearing draws my attention, and I look up into Lottie’s eyes that are swimming with mirth and a knowing look on her face.“Right well, I’ll leave you two to get ready. I’m just gonnago take a cool shower, the sexual tension in this room is about to make me combust.” She teases me as she turns on her heel, throwing a wink over her shoulder as she walks from the room.

  “Ha, I’m sure you have another option to relieve some tension lying around somewhere, why don’t you try your bedroom.” I shout back at her and watch her nearly trip over her feet. She practically runs from the room and I can’t help but laugh aloud, following it with a sharp wince as I strain my bruised ribs.

  “Do I even want to know?” Hunter leans forward and raises one eyebrow in question at me. Those baby blues of his, god I could lose myself in them. He’s a blonde haired, blue eyed Adonis…and he’s all mine.

  I place a small peck on his lips, whilst a smile tugs at the corners of my mouth. How is it possible for a man to be this good looking, and have the most amazing personality I have ever come across?

  “No, just a joke between us girls. I need to go and get changed, fancy helping me?” I ask, somewhat shyly. You think I’d be able to hint at sex with Hunter, after all, he has seen every part of me and still wants more.

  He sucks in a breath, sweeping his hand under my legs, and quickly but ever so gently lifting me in to his arms and stalking towards my bedroom. I giggle like a school girl, feeling light-hearted and enjoying the feelings Hunter evokes in me again.

  He back heels the door shut, and moves to slowly place me on the bed. As he lowers me, he places his hand on my face, gazing deep within my eyes and runs his thumb along my lip.