TRAPPED (Breaking Free Book 2) Read online

Page 6

  I watch his eyes flare with arousal as I stick my tongue out and swirl it around the tip of his thumb.

  He groans before lifting my hips against his, his cock resting against my entrance as his hands grasp the bottom of my t-shirt. He carefully slides it over my head, sucking in a sharp breath when he comes to the realisation I am not wearing a bra underneath.“God woman, are you trying to kill me?” He leans forward and places two very light kisses on each of my nipples.“You are so beautiful. I can’t wait to sink my cock deep inside of you again.”

  What is he waiting for?‘Sink it deep inside of me now!’, I am screaming in my head, but my mouth has ceased functioning and is only allowing deep, heavy breaths to part from my lips.

  “Lie back.” He commands, and I do without hesitation.

  He begins placing light kisses down my torso, reaching the waist band on my leggings and gently tugging them down across my hips with his teeth.

  I gasp loudly as his hand brushes against my clit.

  Hunter places his hands through my hair, gripping the back of my head and lifting my face to his to kiss and bite my lips, “Shh, I’ll take care of you. Please stop squirming or I’ll have to stop baby, and we don’t want that do we?” I didn’t even realise I was squirming, I’m just so turned on and unbelievably wet. I need him to relieve me, PRONTO.

  He drops his hands down my body. His fingers begin circling my clit, I drop my head to the bed and throw my arm across my face to muffle the sounds I am bound to make. I know I’m not going to last long, I am so on the edge and ready to scream the place down.

  He continues to torture me, his fingers teasing but never enough to offer my much needed relief. If he would just apply a little more pressure, and move a tiny bit faster I know I would fall apart, but no, he’s moving frustrating slowly. Judging by the smirk on his lips he knows exactly what he’s doing too.

  My hips try to find the pressure needed by thrusting upwards, but the bastard pulls his fingers away and tuts beneath his breath. Part of me knows moving as I am is going to cause more damage than good, but I am too turned on to have a care in the world, I need to come.

  “Uh uh, what did I tell you? Hips back on the bed and I’ll start again.”

  I growl out my exasperation, but do as he says, so close to orgasm, but so far at the same time.

  “Please Hunter!” I beg.

  I’m about to sit up and drag his body over mine, when I feel a thick finger thrusting deeply in to my core. My inner muscles immediately clench around it, needing more than it is offering.

  I bite the skin on my arm to keep my hips rooted to the bed, and Hunter hums his approval before thrusting another thick finger in to join it.

  He thrusts them into me in a punishing rhythm, my body warming all over, and tingles spreading like wild fire throughout. Every nerve within my body pulses as he starts to gently caress my breasts and move down south with his soft wet lips.

  My breathing becomes erratic, and just as I am about to fall apart he softly places he teeth either side of my clit and seductively sucks, all breath leaving my body as I force my teeth back into my arm.

  I struggle to prevent the scream erupting from my throat as I shatter.



  “For fuck sake!” I bash my hand against the steering wheel of the car I purchased in Connie’s name. Yes it’s a shit tip, but it will get me from A to B. Realistically, I know I will have to dump it soon, but it’s got to be good for the next day or two. The thing’s been sat in a rented garage under a false name for the better part of two months and there has been no backlash… yet.

  I’m going around in circles, how dare that fucker think he can come in to my Mother’s home and take my woman from me? After everything I have sacrificed to be with her, some pretty little rich boy tries to come along and reap what I have sown.

  Not fucking happening!

  Pressing my foot down harder on the accelerator, I envision Hunter’s face beneath my boot as a way to alleviate some of the anger and fury I am feeling.“That fucker will pay, and that bitch has to know I am not letting her go. I need to get her back, it needs to be thought out and executed better, and that home wrecking bastard has to suffer at the same time. CONNIE’S MINE!” I begin muttering the words beneath my breath, but end them on a shout, the intense hatred I feel towards Hunter briefly taking over all rational thought.

  The planning begins as I pull up to a set of traffic lights. The revenge, the pain I can inflict, and inevitably getting my girl back.

  I am so sick of being looked down upon, of people thinking they can mug me off and get away with it. Supposed friends I have had for years happen to be busy with their families. As if that excuse is going to fly with me, we all have families, but you don’t stop being one of the lads just to wipe your kids arse and sit in watching Saturday night television, you leave that up to the Mrs and come out with the boys, get drunk, find a hot piece of arse for the night then go home and have the Mrs cook you lunch whilst you recuperate.

  No way in hell do you stay in because you want to, those pussys think I’m stupid but I’m not, I’m fucking not, they just don’t want to go out with me, and it’s all Connie’s fault for ruining my life all those years ago. They don’t say it but they all blame me for Tom’s death, I know they do, what other reason could they have for staying in and spending‘quality family time’ as they say? Myself, Connie and the kids have been invited to their houses countless times for bbq’sand kids parties, but I’m not interested, it’s a cop out on their part.

  Fuck em’, I don’t need mates like that anyway, I have Dean to go and get slaughtered with, and if people think I’m a bastard then he is a million times worse than I am. He loves the pussy, but he’s into all that BDSM shit. Don’t get me wrong, I like to tie a woman up and fuck her any way I want, but the idea of beating the woman at the same time doesn’t really do it for me, I prefer my women conscious, giving over all control. A beating is a form of punishment, not sex.

  I crave the control, the fight they put up first and then watching them give in and do as I tell them to, like Connie does.“FUCK!” Down comes my fist against the steering wheel again, right there is another reason why I cannot let her go, all the women I fuck beg me for it, practically part their legs the second they see me, like Rhiadid. She didn’t put up a fight, a false pretence of telling me no, but then giving in and doing what I wanted, the woman just bent over and let me stick it anywhere I wanted, screaming my name as I released some tension into her willing body.

  Connie is the only one to give me what I really want, and she’s gone. Taken from me, stolen!

  Rhianeeds to pay for her mistakes first, if that slag hadn’t have tried to come between Connie and I, and had just let me fuck her when and where I wanted to then Connie would still me at home, she never would have left me. Diane needs to learn her lesson too, how dare she think it’s okay to take pictures of me and send them to my woman, my relationship’s fuck all to do with her, and that nosy bitch needs to learn her place. Fucking Rhiathinking I’m stupid, of course I know it was a set up, but that’s not my problem, Diane should have turned the car around and fucked off home.

  Once those two have been dealt with, Hunter and Lottie are next, followed by getting my girl back. Her Mother can keep the kids, but she’s mine! It’s about time all these meddling tosserslearnt they need to keep their noses out of mine and Connie’s relationship, and the only way to do that is to take them out of the picture, show them their actions have consequences, and it’s about time they faced up to them.

  Ripping my phone from my pocket, I call the one person who can help me achieve all of this, the one man who will enjoy setting this shit up.“Dean, I got some hot pussy for you, these bitches have come between me and Connie one too many times. You help me get them out of the way and you can do whatever you want to them, all of them. I will be at yours in thirty mate.” Without giving him the opportunity to respond, I cut the call off and start to h
ead towards his house.

  Shit’s about to go down.



  “Hmmm, that feels good.”

  I am one hundred percent sexually sated. I feel boneless, and Hunter’s hands stroking up and down my back are bringing me sheer bliss, I could lay here forever.

  My hair is swept from the side of my face and tucked behind my ear, followed by hunter’s breath fanning across my skin as he whispers in to my ear,“You need to get ready if you are going for lunch with your friend, unless you’d prefer to ditch her and stay in bed with me?” His words take a second to register, but when they do I throw myself up and out of bed, almost falling to the floor from straining my injuries and instant light headedness setting in.

  “What the hell are you doing? Slow down woman.” He is at my side in an instant, swinging me in to his arms and looking down at me with disapproval on his face.

  He’s right, but that doesn’t mean I want to be carried around like a bloody baby, my legs work just fine.“Hunter put me down, I’m okay, Ijust got up too fast.” I tell him, somewhat tiredly. I’m not a poxyinvalid, I’m sore and dizzy, but that’s bound to be expected, a hand to help steady me is more than enough.

  A deep growl resonates from his chest, and I look up at him in surprise.“Erno buddy, you did not just growl at me. PUT ME DOWN NOW!” Really? I am not a child either, and I will not be bullied to his ways, especially not after the kind of relationship I have walked out of. He may have my best interests at heart but there are better ways to go about it.“You can growl at me when we are having sex, not when you are sulking like a child for not having your own way.” I huff out.

  Hunter barks out a laugh, causing me to jump within his arms.“Oh baby, I’ll do more than growl when I’m balls deep inside of you, but for now if you want me to stop growling at you for acting like a child and hurting yourself, then start behaving like an adult and allow me to help you. For fucks sake, you are so exasperating at times, I’ll just let you hit the deck next time shall I?”

  He places me back on the bed and closes his eyes briefly, before huffing out a breath and walking from the room, closing the door behind him as he goes.

  Erwhat? Did that really just happen? I’m exasperating? The bloody arse, does he not understand that I don’t want to be hauled around at every opportunity he sees, a simple hand would suffice. I understand why he’s doing it, and I know he sees what has happened to me as his fault, but he needs to step back and allow me to get back on my feet by myself.

  “Crap.” A tear slithers from my eye.

  I sit, staring at the door he walked through and attempt to clear my mind long enough to make sense of everything. I love him, I really do, and I love every one of his protective tendencies, I just, I feel suffocated at times. I have had so much thrown at me in the last few weeks that I simply don’t know if I’m coming or going. And now it appears I’ve actually pushed the one man I have ever truly loved away.

  My moods are all over the place, the little lost girl finally being pushed aside for the old Connie, the more assertive and clearly bitchy one!

  God, what is wrong with me? I’m so scared that Hunter is going to do a Dan, that I am pushing him away and making him feel like shit out of misplaced fear on my part. I know deep down that Hunter is the total opposite of Dan, but years of living in fear is hard to just chuck aside.

  “Snap out of it girl,” I tell myself.

  I’m an emotional wreck, but it’s about time I stopped letting Dan have any form of control over my life. The girl I was before this would have keeled over from the thought alone of who I’ve become.

  I dry my eyes and give myself a mini pep talk,“No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up and never give up.”

  A sense of positivity surges through my veins, no man will bring me down, fuck Dan and fuck everyone else. I’ll apologise to Hunter, but if he can’t understand my side of things then that is his problem, I’m not some weak little lamb, I’m a woman, a mother to two adorable children who is going to come back fighting.

  Unsure of what to wear to lunch, I browse through the new selection of clothing, all in my size and all sitting between my old clothes. Why am I not surprised, throw Lottie in to a stressful situation and the girl shops.

  I wouldn’t be surprised if she did this as a way to take her mind off Dan taking me. God I love that girl.

  Dan’s Connie would shy away from even imagining wearing any of these clothes, but the old Connie would pick out a hot outfit, strut out to her best friend and thank her, and that’s exactly what I plan on doing.

  I’ll find a way to pay her back, one way or the other we have always, and always will have each other’s backs.

  It’s about time Lottie got her best friend back.

  A cute pair of dungaree style denim shorts catch my eye, and I pull them out with a tight white mini t-shirt that sits just below my boobs, they will look super cute with my‘Converse’ trainers, and be the most comfortable and supporting shoes I could wear too.. Win/ win.

  Locating the music system, I stick on the newest playlist Lottie has uploaded and feel calmer almost immediately.

  Twenty minutes later, I am washed, dressed, hair and make-up done and ready to find my best friend and have a girl’s day.

  I flip the music system off, and head towards the kitchen, ignoring the ache in my ankle and ribs as I go to locate some pain killers. If I’m honest I am nowhere near as sore as I thought I would be, yes I hurt, but I can live with it, so long as I take it slow and don’t act like an idiot.

  I’m just swallowing the last tablet when a wolf whistle coming from behind me causes me to jump out of my skin and choke on the tablet as it goes down.

  I spin on the spot slowly, huffing out of frustration and holding my ribs as I look into Lottie’s happy appearing face.“Hot damn Mumma, I knew that outfit would look good on you. Wit woo! We best get you out of here before Hunter sweeps you off your feet and takes you back to your bedroom.” My cheeks flame, and I know the cow has caught us out on our earlier escapades, no getting away with this one.

  Hunter walks up behind Lottie, pausing to take me in from head to toe. Seriously, the pair of them are just staring at me. I mean really, they’ve seen me in a pair of shorts and a crop top before.

  “Do you want to take a picture, it will last longer.” I ask them sarcastically on an eye roll.

  I can’t help but giggle lightly as Hunter and Lottie both pull out their phones and start snapping away.

  I begin to make ridiculous poses, and love every second of it. I dread to think of what I look like in the photos, but I’m having far too much fun to care.

  “Oh my god Connie, this has so got to be a new facebookphoto. You look stunning girl.” I’m simply gobsmacked, I didn’t do anything different with my make-up, I clipped my hair up loosely so tendrils frame my face, and the clothes, well they are new, but are paired with white‘Converse’,’ not exactly dressy.

  “Erthanks I suppose. I was kind of going for the casual look.” Lottie thrusts her phone at me, open to a picture of me with my side to her and face looking over my shoulder smiling. I must admit, I do look hot, I look how I was before Dan, happy and my eyes hold a sparkle they haven’t for years.“You would not say you have been run through the mill chick, you look gorgeous. Now let us stick this picture up on Facebook as a big fuck you to Dan.” I snap my head in Hunter’s direction, but he simply smiles at me, not objecting in the slightest.

  “You know what, go for it. I am happy, I have an amazing man, the best best-friend a girl could ask for, the most beautiful and adorable children ever and an amazing Mum and Dad. It’s about time I picked myself up and got on with my life.”

  For the first time in forever I truly mean it. I am so sick of being kicked down, tired and fed up of living how Dan wants me to live or looking over my shoulder. His actions the last few days just go to show that he has completely lost the plot, and I am never putting myself and my ch
ildren through that again, if anything, him doing what he did has finally given me the push I need to close the door and leave that chapter of my life behind. Onwards and upwards from here on out.

  I have one more questionrelated to Dan, after that it’s done.“I just need to know, when you found me, was Dan caught as well?” To be fair, I would say I am fearful the answer is going to be no, but I know Hunter will protect me and the kids, deep down I know we are safe with him.

  “We have highly skilled professionals tracking him down as we speak, I would love to say we caught the bastard, but the slippery fucker did get away. You have nothing to worry about though baby, they will catch him, and in the meantime I will keep you safe. I let you down last time, but I will not let you down again.” Hunter’s fists are screwed up so tightly by his sides, his knuckles turning white and a tick in his jaw.

  This man continues to amaze me time and time again, to think he truly believes Dan taking me was his fault is almost laughable, I should have realised he wouldn’t let me walk away so easily.

  Without a second thought, I slowly make my way towards him, tilting my head back to look in to his sea blue eyes.“Hunter I have brought nothing but a shit storm to your door since I met you, you have no reason to do what you have been doing for me, but you continue to do it anyway, most men would have walked away the second shit got bad. Heck, most men would have walked away the second they realised I had kids. You can’t ever blame yourself for Dan’s craziness, only he is to blame for that, the time I have spent with you goes above and beyond anything I have ever experienced with any man. From now on, Dan and Ash stay in the past, and we will deal with any shit that comes our way. I’m going to start living from now on, not just existing, and I want you to be a part of that full time if you want it. You just need to remember I’m a package deal, Alex and Lily will always come first, but I’m really hoping we can figure everything out together, as a couple.”