TRAPPED (Breaking Free Book 2) Read online

Page 7

  Hunter leans down and takes my lips passionately, heating my blood to almost boiling point before pulling back.“Connie baby, I’ve wanted you from day one, don’t ever doubt that. I wasn’t expecting to fall in love, but you came along and blindsided me, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Same goes for Lily and Alex.”

  Oh my god, oh my god, could this man get any more perfect. My stomach has just flipped and I feel like a love sick teenager.

  I lick my suddenly dry lips, and watch Hunter’s part as his eyes trace my tongue’s movement.

  “Okay, sorry to break up this love fest, but I’m kindahungry and the pair of you look ready to bang on my kitchen counters, and I would kind of prefer it if you kept it to a bedroom please, obviously after I have had lunch with my girl.” Lottie butts in, sudden realisation she has heard our conversation causing my cheeks to flame, the burn working its way down my neck.

  I totally forgot we had an audience, this man just utterly consumes me.

  Hunter leans in and pecks my cheek before giving Lottie his attention,“She’s all yours. You know the drill, three hours be enough for the pair of you? That then leaves you two hours to get everything set up at mine for when Alex and Lily return.”

  I go to object. I get what Hunter is saying about not being myself and needing help for the next few days, but it’s far too soon for me and my kids to move in with him, it’s almost cruel if I’m being honest… Being a parent, full or even part time takes over your life and I can’t be sure Hunter is ready for that, it’s just far too soon.

  Lottie gives me a sharp look, forcing any objections to stick in my throat. Yeah, that works fine. To be honest Connie, I think the best place for you and the kids to be is with Hunter for the time being, you will always have your rooms here, but I have to get back to work tomorrow and should anything happen there is no one around to help. You have got to remember that you probably have adrenaline coursing through your body at the moment, alleviating most of the aches and pains. Can you guarantee that come tomorrow you will be fine and able to run around after your monsters? It hasn’t got to be forever, and if it any point you want to come back then you can, but I cannot take any more time off of work, and there is not a chance in hell I would leave all here alone.”

  Well that’s that then, looks like Hunter’s apartment is due to be overrun with a pair of noisy, messy three and five year olds.



  I swear the pair of them planned this, they must spot the resignation on my face, for they both wink at each other and have the biggest shit eating grins on their faces. If there point wasn’t valid I would turn around and storm out, probably sulk and stuff my face with cake, but it is, so I have no choice but to suck it up and do as they suggest.

  “Let’s just go and get some food, you two definitely have a conspiracy going on and I really don’t think I want to know what it is.” I huff out, turning to walk from the kitchen on a slight pout.

  “You might need this.” I’m halted in my tracks by a shiny new smart phone shoved in my face. I snap my eyes to Hunter questioningly,“Yes it is a lovely phone Hunter, but why are you thrusting it at me?”

  Lottie giggles, abruptly trying to cover it up with a cough when Hunter throws a glare in her direction.“It’s yours. Your phone was smashed so I removed the simcard, and placed it in a new handset. I don’t want you going anywhere without a phone, and this has a built in tracker, so should anything happen, keep it on you and we can locate you immediately… Not that anything is going to happen, Harry just had it fitted as a precaution.”

  I didn’t even think of my phone, another thing that slipped my mind.“Hunter I can’t keep accepting all of this from you and Lottie, that’s another phone in the space of a few days, it’s not exactly fair.” Maybe I can buy a cheap handset and have Harry place the tracker in that. I only need a phone to make and receive calls and text messages, what else would I need it for?

  “Connie I’ve told you before, they sit in a cupboard waiting an employee to use. The broken one is insured and will be replaced and this actually costs me nothing for you to take and use, so take the thing and do as I tell you on this. You’re safety is my number one priority baby.”

  Ugh, he doesn’t get it, since I have left Dan I haven’t put my hand in my pocket once, I may not have a lot but that doesn’t mean the pair of them should be footing the bill for me and my kids, I’m a grown woman for godssake and it’s about time I acted like one.

  “Don’t, whatever argument you have just save it, I am not taking the phone back. Do you want to call Harry and have him drive all the way over here just to remove the tracker and place it in a phone of yourchoosing? It’s easier all round to take the phone and carry on as normal. Save the argument and go out with Lottie for a few hours, I’ll start getting everything sorted for later while you’re gone.”

  Well that point is kind of moot.“Err, where did Harry g…” My words are cut off by Lottie’s shrill shriek,“Ahh, oh my god, let’s just go okay? No need to argue with the man, he is right after all.”

  She stalks towards me, and if looks could kill I’d be six feet under right about now. Picking up my new phone, Lottie places it in my shoulder bag and grips my wrist gently, tugging me in the direction of the door.“Say bye to the man Connie.” She tells my shell-shocked self.

  I follow along obediently, throwing Hunter a half arsed wave as he follows us towards the front door.

  The woman’s crazy,“why are we rushing out the door, did I miss something?”

  The look she gives me is one of pure astonishment, as if I am the dumbest female on the face of the planet. I still don’t get why.

  She hisses the words at me, so low I almost miss them.“Wake the hell up woman. I know your head is a bit banged up at the moment, but really? Did we not have the same conversation when you got here? Hunter doesn’t know Harry is in my bed, and for the moment I would really like it to stay that way!”

  Oops, yeah okay, she may have mentioned something about that.“I’m sorry, I really didn’t think.”

  I loop my arm through hers, and watch her soften before my eyes.“Yeah okay, let’s go and have some girl time okay.”

  We all step in to the elevator, myself placed between Lottie and Hunter. Anyone would think I had two body guards, although the reason they have situated themselves so close beside me becomes abundantly clear as soon as the doors open to the ground floor. A rush of memories come flooding back, and I freeze, unable to move my legs.

  The lobby, thankfully is empty, but I can still picture Hunter’s wife as clear as day arguing with the concierge before turning her attack on me, and the entrance, where just outside Dan found me.

  My head is spinning, my breathing become short and shallow, I need to calm myself down before I pass out. And there I was thinking I was ready to move on and forget everything. How can I move on if I can’t even get out of this lift?

  “I don’t think I’m ready for this. I can’t walk out of those doors, it’s all too fresh.” I whisper, with a hint of hysteria creeping in.

  Lottie grips my arm tighter, and Hunter places his arm around my lower back, offering me support.“Nobody is going to let anything happen to you, I’ve told you this baby. I have someone following you at all times, ready to step in if he dares show his face, and Harry has his men looking for Dan as we speak. You’re good, you can do this, Iknow you can. Don’t let them beat you, show them that no matter what they throw at you, you will always get back up and fight ten times harder.”

  I want to, I really do, it’s just standing here and facing the place where it all went tits up is like a punch to the gut, I’m expecting Hunter’s wife Ash to appear and verbally attack me, and for Dan to be waiting outside to grab me. It’s all completely irrational, I know she has probably been banned from the building, and the second Dan’s face flags up there will be someone there to apprehend him, but my mind is fighting to get control, and I’m fighting a losing battle at th
e moment.

  I drop to a crouch on the floor, needing to take several deep breaths and think properly. Hunter drops beside me, and I can absently hear him telling Lottie to keep the doors open.

  I count to ten slowly, sucking air in to my lungs as Hunter’s hand rubs my back. I’ve got this, I can do it. I was shocked is all, I wasn’t expecting an array of emotions and memories to hit me like vivid flashbacks.

  “You can do this, show those fuckers that they mean nothing to you and will not keep you down. I love you baby, you’re stronger than anything they can throw your way.” He breathes, placing a small kiss against my neck.

  Slowly swinging my head around, I look into Hunter’s worried eyes. Tears are brimming in mine, but I refuse to allow them to fall, I will not cry over either of those bastards ever again. Hunter is mine and Ashley can swivel, and I am totally done with Dan, I need to push him as far as I can to the back of my mind.

  I nod, somewhat shakily, showing him I am ready to do this. Hunter pulls me to my feet, and the sharp pain that radiates from my ribs at moving so suddenly is like a wakeup call. The despair and panic fades, and in its place anger is left.

  I am angry at Ash, for what she put Hunter through, and coming to attack me as she did, and to Dan, for making my life hell all those years, even when I get away he cannot let me go. Why should they have any control over my life? But most of all I’m angry at myself, angry for finally getting to the point where I am ready to start living, and then allowing this to happen. No way, not happening, I’ve been down for too long, this is my time.

  “I’m good, I got this.” I tell the pair of them, and I truly mean it this time.

  The looks they are giving me are full of worry, making me feel bad for dragging them in to all of this. I don’t want to be a burden on their lives anymore, and the fact that Hunter has someone watching me at all times is enough for me to feel safe. Dan can’t do anything to me so long as I’m being watched and protected.

  I hookmy arm through Hunter’s and beckon Lottie over to do the same. I may feel ready to face this head on, my legs on the other hand are just a tad shaky from the shock of it all and I need to walk it off.

  “How are we getting there?” I inwardly pray it’s in the car, I cannot be dealing with walking all the way on a sprained ankle.

  With a sheepish expression on his face, Hunter looks down at me,“The man I hired to watch your back, is kind of also your driver.”

  Oh my god.“Really?” I’m beyond stunned at the lengths this man goes to.

  “Whoa, before you dive off the deep end hear me out. Until Dan is caught I don’t want you or the kids out alone without somebody protecting you, and Tonyis the best man for the job. I know I should have told you first, but you can argue till you are blue in the face with me, I am not backing down on this. You get to go where you want, and I get to know you are safe at all times. It’s a win / win.” He arches a brow, daring me to object. All I can muster up in response is a grin, I wasn’t going to argue, Ithink it’s a brilliant idea, an expensive one, but just what is needed all the same. Maybe I’m actually getting used to having money spent on me, kind of.

  “Okay.” Is all I say in response.

  “Wait… what? Why are you smiling at me like that? Where’s the argument I thought we were bound to have, until I took you upstairs and fucked you in to doing as you’re told.” He asks, seeming truly perplexed.

  Oh my god, the one time I fully agree with his actions, and he’s ready to fuck me just to get his own way. Why the bloody hell didn’t I argue.

  “Well I can argue if you want? Make it slightly more interesting.” I bite my lip and watch his eyes smoulder.

  “No you bloody well can’t. Hunter she agrees, now can we get out of here? I’m starving.” Lottie argues.

  Hunter laughs deeply at Lottie, leaning down to peck me on the lips before leading us down to the underground parking and showing me to the sleek, black BMW I will be using.

  “Holy crap, how hot is your bodyguard?” At Lottie’s words I lean around Hunter and take in the man of pure muscle, dressed in a suit, with hints of tattoos peeking out from his shirt up his neck. Crap, he is good looking, all tall dark and handsome. He has the bad boy look down to a tee. If I wasn’t so caught up in Hunter, I can guarantee I’d be swooning at his feet.

  I gape up at Hunter, amazed at his choice. I can guarantee you if the tables were turned, I would not be standing here with a smirk on my face as he drooled at some leggy stunner.

  I shrug it off and flick my eyes back to the driver, who actually appears bored, judging from the toe tapping, and checking of his watch constantly on a scowl. He may be hot, but is coming across like a jerk. He hasn’t once offered up even a hint of a smile, or even acknowledged us standing here.

  “Tony, this is Connie. You know the drill, eyes at all times.” Hunter barks, sounding harsh all of a sudden.

  Tony in response simply nods at me, he doesn’t even offer up a‘Hi.’ I’m not so sure I want to be stuck in a car with this god looking arse wipe. I feel really uncomfortable in his presence, he clearly doesn’t want to be babysitting me.

  I half-heartedly say hello, annoyed when he doesn’t acknowledge me in the slightest. Rude bastard.

  “Well, he’s a bit up himself. Are you sure this bell end is the right man to keep Connie safe? How can you expect him to give two shits about what happens to her if he can’t muster up a half arsed smile for her.” Lottie, never one to keep her thoughts to herself tells Hunter, hands on hips and an eyebrow raised in question.“You may be hot, but holy hell you are a jerk, way to reassure a woman who has been to hell and back.” She throws at Tony, who in turn surprises us both by raising one side of his mouth in amusement, still keeping his eyes diverted from us though.

  Hunter steps before me, ignoring Lottie’s jibes and bends down to my level.“He’s the best there is Connie, his priority is not to become your friend but to protect you. How do you expect him to observe everything going on around you if his eyes are fastened to your gorgeous face? You are quite the distraction woman.” He reassures me.

  I must admit, I do see his point, but I still agree with Lottie, even a smile would suffice.

  “And Lottie,” he straightens up,“I wouldn’t be calling Harry’s brother hot and a jerk, I don’t think it would go down to well.”

  Wait… what? Harry’s brother, holy fuck. Lottie’s face whites dramatically, Hunter merely mentioning Harry’s name sending my friend in to a tail spin.

  Hunter’s eyes are swimming with mirth, and it’s not so hard to guess that he knows, he knows they have hooked up. Bollocks, I’m completely unsure as to how Lottie is going to react to this, but I know I need to get her out of here now.

  “Okay, so I’ll call you when we are on our way back?” I shift on the spot, desperate to get a move on, although by the looks of things I don’t think Lottie is going to want to step foot anywhere near Tony.

  “Yes baby. Call me if there’s any problems.” Hunter agrees.

  I practically shove a stunned Lottie in to the vehicle, doing up our seatbelts and telling Tony to take us to Summer’s when he grunts a‘where to’ from the driver’s seat.

  This should be interesting.



  Waving my girl off to lunch with her friend, I can’t help but feel sick at watching her leave my sight. It was only yesterday I got her back, and I’m a bag of fucking nerves that that prick is going to try and pull something. Realistically I know she has the best of the best around her, protecting her and looking for Dan, but it doesn’t stop irrational thoughts from surfacing now and again.

  I want that prick caught and behind bars, then I can relax… almost.

  My phone buzzes from my pocket, and I answer it absently, not even looking at the name on the display before I hit connect.

  “Hunter.” I bark down the line.

  “Yeah it’s me. We have a lead on Dan, one of the boys has picked up intelthat o
ne of Connie’s friends, Diane, has just made a police report. She has been receiving threats hourly for the last six hours, and from what we have been able to pull up, they are coming from him.” Harry’s voice speaks urgently down the line.

  Fuck, I knew the bastard couldn’t lie low and give us a moment’s peace, although if this helps us catch him then I suppose it’s a good thing in the long run.“Any idea what the threats are?” I ask, dreading the answer.

  “Just varying letters. Some have photos of Connie and Diane, with Diane being cut out and things written across them like‘I’m going to cut you out of her life the painful way.’ And some nasty letters stating what he is going to do to make her pay for coming between their relationship. From what I have been told they are pretty sick. She has been asked to keep hold of any more letters and avoid touching them as much as possible, the rest have been taken for diagnostics, which doesn’t help us any, but maybe he has left some sort of clue there. From what I can tell they keep appearing in random places around her home, some have even been couriered to her. Dan has completely lost the plot and is getting desperate.”

  “Cheers mate, you still at Lottie’s? I want to hit Diane’s with you.” I inform him, eager to get going.

  The line is silent for a moment, before he huffs out a breath,“Yeah I am, how the fuck did you know? I thought I had this covered up and could creep out with you none the wiser, dammit.” That’s quite laughable really, it wasn’t hard to miss the grey t-shirt with a giant beaver across the front of it, situated in the doorway.

  “You might want to pick up your clothes when you are done, and before you argue they could be anybody’s, who do you know that owns a top saying‘I love beavers’?”